a simple type checking tool with TypeScript
npm install verify-tool -D
// or
yarn install verify-tool --dev
import verify from 'verify-tool'
Still in the process of replenishment, so the API is messy and there is no time to sort it out. Follow-up will organize the structure
more case can found in ./test/verify.test.ts
1. verify.isString(input: string)
return true if the input is a string. otherwise return false instead.
2. verify.isArray(input: any)
return true if the input is an array. otherwise return false instead.
3. verify.isDate(input: any)
return true if the input is a date. otherwise return false instead.
4. verify.isNumber(input: any)
return true if the input is a number. otherwise return false instead.
5. verify.isInfinity(input: any)
return true if the input is a infinity. otherwise return false instead.
6. verify.isBoolean(input: any)
return true if the input is a boolean. otherwise return false instead.
7. verify.isError(input: any)
return true if the input is a error object. otherwise return false instead.
8. verify.isRegExp(input: any)
return true if the input is a regexp object. otherwise return false instead.
9. verify.isObject(input: any)
return true if the input is an object. otherwise return false instead.
10. verify.isFunction(input: any)
return true if the input is a Function/AsyncFunction/GeneratorFunction. otherwise return false instead.
11. verify.isPlainObject(input: any)
return true if the input is a plain object. otherwise return false instead.
12. verify.isDomNode(input: any)
return true if the input is a dom node. otherwise return false instead.
const divNode = document.createElement('div')
13. verify.isNull(input: any)
return true if the input is null. otherwise return false instead.
14. verify.isUndefined(input: any)
return true if the input is undefined. otherwise return false instead.
15. verify.isJsonStr(input: string)
return true if the input is standard json str. otherwise return false instead.
16. verify.isNaN(input: any)
return true if the input is NaN. otherwise return false instead.
17. verify.isUrl(input: string)
return true if the input is an url. otherwise return false instead.
18. verify.isNullOrUndefined(input: any)
return true if the input is null or undefined. otherwise return false instead.
19. verify.isEmail(input: string)
return true if the input is an email str. otherwise return false instead.
20. verify.isIdCard(input: string)
return true if the input is an id card number str(for china). otherwise return false instead.
21. verify.isPlateNumber(input: string)
return true if the input is a car plate number str(for china). otherwise return false instead.
verify.isPlateNumber('川A·B45N4') // true
verify.isPlateNumber('川AB45N4') // true
22. verify.isPhone(input: string)
return true if the input is a phone number str(for china). otherwise return false instead.
23. verify.isInteger(input: number)
return true if the input is a integer number str. otherwise return false instead.
24. verify.isOdd(input: number)
Check if it is odd
25. verify.isEven(input: number)
Check if it is even
26. verify.isAndroid(userAgent: string)
Check if the operating system is Android
27. verify.isIOS(userAgent: string)
Check if the operating system is IOS
28. verify.isMobileDevice(userAgent: string)
Check if it is a mobile device
29. verify.isEmpty(input: string|array|object)
Check if the input value is '' or [] or {}
30. verify.isArguments(input: any)
Check if it is arguments
31. verify.isPromise(input: any)
Check if it is Promise or a fake promise, like this:
{then(){}, catch(){}}