
Verify pre-publish conditions in Jenkins.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import veritasConditionJenkins from '';


Veritas Condition Jenkins

This is a semantic-release verifyRelease plug-in that will allow a release to continue only if all of the following conditions are true:

  1. The JENKINS_URL environment variable is set to any value (this should be a URL but the value is not verified)
  2. The GIT_BRANCH environment variable is equal to the target branch ( default is 'master' )

If all of the above conditions are true, a new version of the package will be released.


  1. Follow the basic setup instructions for semantic-release
  2. Install as a dev dependency. npm i -D veritas-condition-jenkins
  3. Add the following to your package.json
    "release": {
      "verifyConditions": "veritas-condition-jenkins"