
Versal Gadget SDK with command-line interface.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import versalSdk from '';


Versal Gadget SDK Build Status NPM version


npm install -g versal-sdk

If all goes well, you should be able to use the versal command-line tool. If that doesn't work, scroll down to "Installation in depth".

Quick start

Run versal -v to see the current version of the SDK installed. Run versal for usage information. To create and preview your first gadget, run:

versal create hello-gadget
cd hello-gadget
versal preview



versal signin

Sign you in You will be asked for your Versal email and password. The session ID will be stored in ~/.versal/sdk/default.json.

versal create <name> [--template <template-name>]

Creates a gadget boilerplate in a new directory with the given name. If this directory already exists, the command versal create will not do anything.

The --template option allows you to choose a template. Supported templates: minimal (currently the only one).

versal preview [<directory1> <directory2> <directory3> ...] [--iframe]

Launches a local Player and API server for testing your new gadget. If multiple gadget directories are specified, any gadgets with valid versal.json files will be added to your local tray.

If no directory is specified, the current working directory will be used.

Use --iframe option to preview gadget in a standalone launcher. (see issue #87)

versal upload [<directory>] [--apiUrl]

Compresses your gadget and uploads it to Versal platform. If no directory is specified, the current working directory will be used. Gadget directory must have a versal.json. To upload gadget you need a valid session ID. If uploading fails, use versal signin to obtain a new session ID.

versal version [ | prerelease | major | minor | patch]

Bumps the version and writes the new data back to the versal.json file.

Installation in depth

Step one - installing the prerequisites

To begin developing gadgets, you will need:

If you do not have git and node already, the first step is to install them, and this is different for each OS.

On Mac OS X

To install git and npm under Mac OS X with Homebrew:

brew install git
brew install npm

On Linux

To install git and npm under a recent Ubuntu Linux:

sudo apt-get install --yes git npm curl nodejs-legacy

On Windows

To install git and npm under MS Windows:

  • Install git by downloading and running the EXE installer from
  • Install npm and node from by downloading and running the MSI installer. You might need to manually create ~/AppData/Roaming/npm folder (more info)
  • Start "Git Bash" from the menu; this opens a more Unix-like environment for the command line

Step two - installing the Versal SDK

Once you have npm, you can install the Versal SDK:

npm install -g versal-sdk

(If this gives a permission error on your system, run sudo npm install -g versal-sdk. However, it is better to avoid using sudo for npm, if it is possible on your system.)

This will install the system-wide command versal. With this command, you can test your gadgets and publish them on the Versal platform. To check that the Versal SDK has been installed, run the command versal -v. This should print the version.

Testing the hello-world gadget

To verify that your installation works, let's test a sample gadget. This gadget shows a "hello, world" message with a custom word and color inserted by the course author. The learner can click on this word and toggle the italics and boldface font on the message. The gadget also displays an image uploaded by the course author.

Clone the Versal/hello-world-gadget repo:

git clone
cd hello-world-gadget
bower install

Once in the hello-world-gadget directory, run the command:

versal preview

This will start a local HTTP server on port 3000. Now open the URL localhost:3000 in a web browser. You will see an empty lesson and a test gadget in the gadget tray below. Double-click on that gadget; you will see that the gadget has been added to the lesson.

Housekeeping instructions


If you want to contribute to SDK development, install it from source:

git clone
cd sdk
npm install
npm link
npm test

Updating the player

A copy of the Player is bundled at ./html/player. To update Player copy /path/to/player/dist to ./html/player:

Using development branch of the player

If you want to use development branch of the player, you can run versal preview with --player option:

versal preview --player ~/versal/player/dist