
Nodejs API wrapper for Vesicash

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vesicashNodejsSdk from '';


Vesicash Node.js sdk

Nodejs API wrapper for Vesicash


Table of content


Take a look at the API Docs here


Install the package from npm by running

$ npm install vesicash-nodejs-sdk


$ yarn add vesicash-nodejs-sdk


To use this sdk you need to first generate your API keys by registering as a business on Vesicash.

Sandbox API key by registering via

Live API key by registering via

const Vesicash = require('vesicash-nodejs-sdk');

const credentials = {
    publicKey: 'VESICASH-PUBLIC-KEY', // replace with your generated PUBLIC Key
    privateKey: 'VESICASH-PRIVATE-KEY' // replace with your generated PRIVATE Key

const isSandbox = true; // for Sandbox, defaults to false 

// Initialize the class passing the config
const vesicash = new Vesicash(credentials, isSandbox);

// Create a transaction 
try {
  const transaction = await vesicash.transactions.create({
  // do somthing with transaction response
}catch (error) {
  // AxiosError



All method returns a promise that resolves into an axios response in this format

  "data": Object,
  "status": Number,
  "statusText": String,
  "headers": any,
  "request": any


  • auth.login() login into vesicash
    try {
          const response = await vesicash.auth.login({ 
              email_address: '',
              password: ''
        // do something with response
    catch (e) {
  • auth.signup() Signup a new user
    try {
          const response = await vesicash.auth.signup({ 
              email_address: '',
              password: ''
        // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more about authentication


  • transaction.create() create a transaction
    const payload = {
          title: "Design a house plan",
          type: "oneoff",
          quantity: 1,
          amount: 700000,
          description: "An architectural design of a 3 bedroom apartment in lekki",
          parties: {
              buyer : 'BUYER-ACCOUNT-ID',
              charge_bearer: 'CHARGE-BEARER-ACCOUNT-ID',
              sender: 'SENDER-ACCOUNT-ID',
              seller: 'SELLER-ACCOUNT-ID',
              recipient: 'RECIPIENT-ACCOUNT-ID'
          due_date: "2/12/2020",
          inspection_period: 1,
          currency: "NGN",
    try {
      const response = await vesicash.transactions.create(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more about transactions and how to creat different types of transactions.

  • transaction.sendTransaction() Send a transaction to involved parties.
    try {
      const payload = {
         transaction_id: "F2SUkXINIJ6ALjDmt3cT" // the transaction-id
      const response = await vesicash.transactions.sendTransaction(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more about sending transactions.

  • transaction.partiesUpdate() Update the parties involved in a transaction.
    try {
      const payload = {
            transaction_id:"F2SUkXINIJ6ALjDmt3cT", // the transaction-id
            parties: {
                recipient: {
                    account_id: 3881795242
      const response = await vesicash.transactions.partiesUpdate(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more about transaction parties.

  • transaction.acceptTransaction() Agree to transaction
    try {
      const payload = {
            transaction_id:"F2SUkXINIJ6ALjDmt3cT", // the transaction-id
      const response = await vesicash.transactions.acceptTransaction(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more about agreeing to a transaction.

  • transaction.rejectTransaction() Reject a transaction
    try {
      const payload = {
          "transaction_id": "F2SUkXINIJ6ALjDmt3cT", // the transaction id 
          "reason": "I am rejecting this transaction because the amount stated is not what we discussed"
      const response = await vesicash.transactions.rejectTransaction(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more about rejecting a transaction.

  • transaction.listById() Fetch transaction details
    try {
      const payload = "F2SUkXINIJ6ALjDmt3cT"; // the transaction id
      const response = await vesicash.transactions.listById(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more about fetching a transaction.

  • transaction.listByBusiness() List all the transaction belonging to you business or your customers
    try {
      const payload = {
          "business_id": "ACCOUNT-ID" // the business account id
      const response = await vesicash.transactions.listByBusiness(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more about listing transactions.

  • transaction.listByUser() List all the transactions that belongs to a specific customer
    try {
      const payload = {
          "account_id": "ACCOUNT-ID" // the account id
      const response = await vesicash.transactions.listByUser(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more about listing transactions.

  • transaction.requestExtendDueDate() Request transaction due date extension
    try {
      const payload = {
          transaction_id: "F2SUkXINIJ6ALjDmt3cT", // the transaction id
      const response = await vesicash.transactions.requestExtendDueDate(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more about due date extension.

  • transaction.approveExtendDueDate() Approve a transaction due date extension request
    try {
      const payload = {
          transaction_id: "F2SUkXINIJ6ALjDmt3cT", // the transaction id
      const response = await vesicash.transactions.approveExtendDueDate(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more about due date extension.

  • transaction.delivered() Mark transaction as shipped
    try {
      const payload = {
          transaction_id: "F2SUkXINIJ6ALjDmt3cT", // the transaction id
      const response = await vesicash.transactions.delivered(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more about transaction delivery.

  • transaction.acceptDelivery() Accept a shipped transaction
    try {
      const payload = {
          transaction_id: "F2SUkXINIJ6ALjDmt3cT", // the transaction id
      const response = await vesicash.transactions.acceptDelivery(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more accepting a shipped transaction.

  • transaction.rejectDelivery() Reject shipped transaction
    try {
      const payload = {
          transaction_id: "F2SUkXINIJ6ALjDmt3cT", // the transaction id
          reason: "Rejection reasons"
      const response = await vesicash.transactions.rejectDelivery(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more rejecting a shipped transaction.


  • payment.fundTransaction() Fund a transaction

    try {
      const payload = {
        transaction_id: "F2SUkXINIJ6ALjDmt3cT", // the transaction id
        success_page: "" // A URL where you want the payer to be directed after payment - optional field
      const response = await vesicash.payment.fundTransaction(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more funding a transaction.

  • payment.initiateDisbursement() Initiate a manual disbursement

    try {
      const payload = {
          recipient_id: 'ACCOUNT-ID', // your recipient account ID
          amount: 1000,
          currency: "NGN",
          debit_currency: "NGN"
      const response = await vesicash.payment.initiateDisbursement(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more initiating a manual disbursement.


  • admin.addBank() Adding Bank or Mobile Money Details

    try {
      const payload = {
        account_id : 6751951308, // your account id
        updates: {
          bank_id : 23,
          account_name : "John Doe",
          account_no : "3012364609",
          mobile_money_operator: "Tigo" // (this field is only required when saving a mobile money details)
      const response = await vesicash.admin.addBank(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more adding Bank or Mobile Money Details.

  • admin.walletBalance() Check wallet balance

    try {
      const payload = {
        account_id : 'ACCOUNT-ID', // your account id
      const response = await vesicash.admin.walletBalance(payload);
      // do something with response
    catch (e) {

Learn more about wallet balance.


  • upload.uploadFile() upload a file.

    This method expects a formdata

    try {
       const FormData = require('form-data');
       const fs = require('fs');
       const files = [
       // Add all the uploaded file to form data
       for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
         FormData.append(`files[${i}]`, files[i]);
       const response = await vesicash.upload.uploadFile(payload);
       // do something with response

Learn more about wallet balance.



  • clone the project

    $ git clone
  • install dependencies

    $ npm install
  • Env

  • Get your sandbox API keys via

  • Rename .env.example to .env and update the API keys

  • Please follow the eslint rules to ensure consistent code style


To run all tests

$ npm run test


If you find a bug, please file an issue on our issue tracker on GitHub