middleware to validate parameters
npm install veto
var veto = require('veto');
app.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
// assert that the email parameter is an email
// will throw a veto.ValidationError if it isn't
var email = req.assert('email').isEmail().get();
// asserts can be chained
var foo = req.assert('foo').isAlpha().len(4, 10).get();
// and also accept custom messages
var baz = req.assert('baz', 'must be a number').isNumeric().get();
// we can be sure email is of email format
// an express error handler will receive the thrown error
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
// err.statusCode will be 400
// err instanceOf veto.ValidationError
things you can veto
- is(regex)
- not(regex)
- isEmail()
- isUrl()
- isIP()
- isAlpha()
- isAlphanumeric()
- isNumeric()
- isInt()
- isDecimal()
- notNull()
- isNull()
- notEmpty()
- equals(equals)
- contains(str)
- notContains(str)
- len(min [, max])
- isUUID(version) //Version can be 3 or 4 or empty
- isIn(arr | str)
- notIn(arr | str)
- max(val)
- min(val)
- isArray()
adding your own
You can add your own things to veto by providing an object to the veto()
. Each ownProperty
of the object which is a function will be added.
in the function will refer to the parameter to assert.
To indicate an error, return a string. Otherwise don't return anything.
var additional = {
isFooBar: function() {
if (this !== 'foobar') {
return 'should equal foobar';
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
var foo = req.assert('foo').isFooBar().get();
capturing errors
Veto asserts throw. This means that the error handler middleware will be called as soon as a veto fails. You can easily handle the error there and send any relevant response back to the user.
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
var foo = req.assert('foo').isEmail().get();
// error handler for failed assertions
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
// veto errors are of instance veto.ValidationError
// err.statusCode is 400
// err.param is the name of the parameter that failed
// err.value is the user specified parameter value
// err.message is an error message
// you can check specifically for veto errors with
err instanceof veto.ValidationError