
Download HTML5 videos from a website page using Media Source Extensions (MSE).

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import videox from '';



Download HTML5 videos from a website page using Media Source Extensions (MSE).


  1. videox is designed for pages using Media Source Extensions (MSE) technique. For pages using other techniques, just embed a HTTP URL into video tag, for example, videox will throw an error.
  2. Some pages have video ads using the same technique as the actual video content, the MSE. videox can't distingush them, it just downloads all video ads and the actual video by default. The easiest way to deal with this is using a browser with ads block extension. Alternatively you can modify this program as you need as it's just a web crawler based on puppeteer.


  • chrome. Needed if the websites were providing MP4 video you wanted that is usually the case. Otherwise chromium, puppeteer downloaded automatically is enough.


const Videox = require('videox')

const targetUrl = ''

(async () = {
  const videox = new Videox({
    debug: true,
    headless: true,
    downloadBrowser: false,
    logTo: process.stdout,
    browserExecutePath: '/usr/bin/chromium',
    browserArgs: ['--no-sandbox'],
    downloadAsFile: true,
    downloadPath: path.join(__dirname, 'download'),
    checkCompleteLoopInterval: 100,
    waitForNextDataTimeout: 8000,

  await videox.init()

  await videox.get(targetUrl)

  await videox.destroy()


Class: Videox

Event: 'data'

  • objectURL <string> The URL created from URL.createObjectURL, usually starts with blob.
  • mimeCodec <string> Corresponding mimeCodec.
  • chunk <Buffer> The data received from page.

If options.downloadAsFile is specified as false, this event must be listened for receiving media data.

objectURL and mimeCode together identify a media file to which chunk corresponding.

new Videox([options])

  • options <object>
    • debug <bool> Default: false.
    • headless <bool> Default: true.
    • downloadBrowser <bool> Default: false.
    • logTo <Writable> Default: process.stdout.
    • browserExecutePath: <string> Default: '/usr/bin/chromium'.
    • browserArgs: <array>: Default: [].
    • downloadAsFile <bool> Default: true.
    • dowloadPath <string> Default: ''.
    • checkCompleteLoopInterval <number> The time interval between checking whether current download progress is commplete, in milliseconds. Default: 100,
    • waitForNextDataTimeout: <number> The timeout waiting for next media data, in milliseconds. Default: 3000.
  • Returns: <Videox>

Usually dowloadBrowser is false and browserExecutePath is filled with common browser path to download MP4 using browsers other than the default chromium. See puppeteer package for more information.


  • Returns: <Promise>


  • pageUrl <string> Required.
  • Returns: <Promise>


  • Returns: <Promise>