
view-cards combines webpack dev server, hot module replacement, and devboard to show your devcards with minimal configuration. Just place files called card.js, or *.card.js in your project and they will be included on the devboard.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import viewCards from '';


view-cards combines webpack dev server, hot module replacement, and devboard to show your devcards with minimal configuration. Just place files called card.js, or *.card.js in your project and they will be included on the devboard.


npm install -g view-cards


Run view-cards in the root of the project for which you would like to view cards.


card-config.js goes in your project root. It can export the following:


This is a function that takes as input the webpack config that view-cards uses and can transform it into a new config that works with your devcards. This is where you can add loader configurations, resolve.extensions, and any necessary plugins.

webpack-config-builders and lodash.flow work well to help you build and combine functions that can transform the webpack config.

Defaults to x => x


The directory that contains all your devcards. Defaults to .


A regular expression that is used to match your card file names. Defaults to /[\.\/^]card\.jsx?$/


An array of URIs to stylesheets that will be added to <head> in the the template rendered by express.


A path relative to process.cwd() that will be the public assets directory for the devcard server.


Path to the favicon used for the devcard server. Defaults to favicon.ico in the project director if present, otherwise uses view-cards's built-in "hand of cards" favicon.