
Common React components used on Village Web

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import villageComponents from '';


Village Web Components

Common React components used on Village Web

How to use

Clone this repo to your local computer, then run:

  • npm install && npm run build
  • To make this component available to other projects on your local computer, run npm link or yarn link.
  • Then go to the project where you want to use this package and run npm/ yarn link village-components.

Finally, to fix the multiple copies of React bug that shows up with linked React packages:

  • navigate to the root of the village-components package
  • run npm link ../path/to/your/parent/project/node_modules/react

You can now import village-components as a normal package installed from npm like so:

import { Icon } from "village-components";

You can also import the type definitions if you're using TypeScript like so:

import { Icon, IconProps } from "village-components";

For the styles import index.css. For the breakpoints mixin import breakpoint.scss.

@import "~village-components/dist/index.css";
@import "~village-components/dist/breakpoints.scss";


Functions and Utilities


An extensive (and highly opinionated) form component. For configuration and example usage see FormConfig. For styling the fields and button there are a couple of classes to override.

import { Form } from "village-components";

  submit={(data) =>
    this.props.login({ username:, password: data.password })
  submitButtonText="Log in"

css classes to override

  • form
  • button, button--primary
  • form__input, form__input--lg
  • form__textarea, form__radio, form__radio-checkmark
  • form__label, form__field-message, form__validation, form__error
  • form__footer


This component renders an svg icon retrieved from icons stored on Cloudinary.

import { Icon } from "village-components";

  className="fill--white cursor--pointer v-align--middle"

List of props

IconProps = {
  name: string;
  className?: string;
  size?: "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xlg";
  onClick?: (e?: Event) => void; // a callback to a click on the icon


This component renders a notification on the top right of the screen and in the center for mobile.

import { Notification } from "village-components";
  message="This is a test message"
  onClose={() => console.log("Notification closed")}

List of props

NotificationProps = {
  message: string;
  type?: "success" | "fail";
  persist?: boolean;
  onClose?: () => void;


import { Button } from "village-components";

<Button isLoading={false} mode="primary" isContained>
  Click Me!!


  isLoading?: boolean | undefined;
  mode?: "primary" | "secondary" | "tertiary";
  isContained?: boolean;

Classes to override

button, button--primary, button--secondary, button--tertiary, button--contained,

Redux Loader Reducer

Provides a reducer for actions that might require a loader/ spinner because they are async e.g calls to your backend. Dispatch startAsync before your long running code and the reducer adds your action into state. Then dispatch stopAsync once it is done, the action is then removed from state. You can use this in your components to show a loader while your action is stored as state managed by the reduxLoaderReducer.

import { reduxLoaderReducer } from "village-components";

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  loader: reduxLoaderReducer,
import { startAsync, stopAsync } from "village-components";

// your code to the server.
// any component listening to state from our reducer knows this is in progress if the LOGIN action is part of reduxLoaderReducer's state array
shape of the state managed by this reducer
  action: string;
  ...params: any

// You can pass in an optional second argument that has to be an object that will eventually get spread onto the object in state. This is useful when there might be multiple place where the loader could land and you want to match a specific one.

// e.g
// state => [{ action: LOGIN }, { action: DELETE_ITEM, id: 3 }];


Returns a boolean that determines whether the window width is one of SMALL (<= 425px), MEDIUM (<= 768px) or LARGE (> 768px).

const isMobile: boolean = isDeviceSize(DeviceSize.SMALL);

DeviceSize is the enumeration of the 3 device sizes.