
A set of accessible and unstyled components for Vue 3.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vimport from '';



About the Project

vimport is a set of accessible, unstyled and WAI-ARIA spec-compliant components for Vue 3. You may style your components by writing your own CSS classes or using a framework like Tailwind CSS.


Currently, vimport contains only one component, the tab. However, new components will be added gradually.

The next component we will publish is the tree .


Before installing our package, you need to complete Vue 3 installation.


The package can be installed via npm or yarn.


npm i vimport


yarn add vimport


Global Registration

The plugin can be used to register all components globally. Your code may look like as follows:

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import Vimport from 'vimport';
import App from './App.vue';


Also, you may register the components you will use one by one.

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import { VpTabs, VpTablist, VpTab, VpTabpanels, VpTabpanel } from 'vimport';
import App from './App.vue';

  .component('VpTabs', VpTabs)
  .component('VpTablist', VpTablist)
  .component('VpTab', VpTab)
  .component('VpTabpanels', VpTabpanels)
  .component('VpTabpanel', VpTabpanel)

Local Registration

Another option is registering the components locally,

import { VpTabs, VpTablist, VpTab, VpTabpanels, VpTabpanel } from 'vimport';

export default {
  components: {
  // ...


Currently, the only component we have implemented is the tab.


The tab is implemented according to here. All aria-* attributes are managed automatically. We handle following keyboard interactions:

  • `ArrowLeft` key moves the focus to the previous tab.
  • `ArrowRight` key moves the focus to the next tab.
  • If the orientation is vertical `ArrowUp` and `ArrowDown` keys perform those operations.
  • `Home` key moves the focus to the first tab.
  • `End` key moves the focus to the last tab.
  • `Space` and `Enter` keys select the focused tab.
  • `Delete` key deletes the focused tab if it is deletable.

In addition, you can use Vue's keep-alive.

You may construct your tab view using the following 5 "sub-component". Nested tabs are supported.


It is the root of the other 4 tab components. Nested VpTabs components are supported.

Prop Type Default Description
as String div The name of the HTML tag or Vue component the element is rendered as.
modelValue String required The name of the selected tab. v-model uses it.
Emit Type Description
update:modelValue String Triggered when a tab is selected. v-model uses it. The name of the newly selected tab is passed to the listener.
delete String Triggered when the user tries to delete a deletable tab. The name of the tab is passed to the listener.


It is the container for VpTab components.

Prop Type Default Description
as String div The name of the HTML tag or Vue component the element is rendered as.
label String required The label which is used by screen readers.
vertical Boolean false Whether the orientation of the tablist is vertical or not.
manual Boolean false Whether the newly focused tabs should be activated manually (pressing space or enter key) or not.


All VpTab components must be inside VpTablist component.

Prop Type Default Description
as String button The name of the HTML tag or Vue component the element is rendered as
name String required Unique name for the tab.
disabled Boolean false Whether the tab is disabled or not.
deletable Boolean false Whether the tab is deletable or not. If it is deletable and delete key is pressed, the root VpTabs emits delete event.
Slot props
Prop Type Description
selected Boolean Whether the tab is selected or not.
disabled Boolean Whether the tab is disabled or not.
focused Boolean Whether the tab is focused or not.


This must be inside VpTabs component. You may also use Vue's keep-alive.

Prop Type Default Description
keepAlive Boolean false Whether the Vue's keep-alive should be used or not.
keepAliveInclude String, Regex, Array include parameter of the Vue's keep-alive.
keepAliveExclude String, Regex, Array exclude parameter of the Vue's keep-alive.
keepAliveMax Number max parameter of the Vue's keep-alive.


All VpTabpanel components must be inside VpTabpanels component.

Prop Type Default Description
as String div The name of the HTML tag or Vue component the element is rendered as.
name String required Unique name for the tabpanel. If the modelValue of the root VpTabs matches with the name, the VpTabpanel is rendered.