find files and paths using node.js
This module contains various functions to help you find paths and files using
Node.js' require
Vinea is the latin word for vine.
Getting Started
Install the module with: npm install vinea
Vinea provides various functions to help with inspecting the fs, or to help with inspecting the require paths being used by modules.
file system introspection
findItem(itemName, itemType, currentPath, recursive, callback)
Find an item on the file system starting from the current path. If recursive is true, will continue walking up parent directories looking for the itemName.
{String} - name of the item to look foritemType
{String} - file or directorycurrentPath
{String} - directory to start looking inrecursive
{Boolean} - if true, walks up parent dir if item is not foundcallback
Returns: {String} the path of the found item
findParentPath(path1, path2)
Find the common parent directory between two given directories.
{String} - a directorypath2
{String} - another directory
Returns: {String} the common parent directory between both
findNodeModulesPath(currentPath, callback)
Finds the nearest node_modules directory from the given directory. If not found in current directory, walks up the parent dir until it finds it.
{String} - directory to start looking incallback
Returns: {String} the location of the nearest node_modules directory.
findNodeModulePath(currentPath, moduleName, callback)
Given a module name like 'lodash', looks for a node_modules/lodash starting from the current directory. If none is found, walks up the parent dir until it finds one.
{String) - directory to start looking inmoduleName
{String} - the name of the module to findcallback
Returns: {String} the path to the module on the file system
findNodeModuleMainEntry(modulePath, callback)
Given a path to a node_modules module, i.e., /Users/me/project/node_modules/lodash, this function finds the main entry point suitable for client side usage.
This function attempts to return the browser
attribute from package.json if
available, falling back on main
and then index.js
{String} - location of the modulecallback
Returns: {String} entry point value from package.json
findPackageJson(currentPath, callback)
Finds the location of the the nearest package.json. If it can't find package.json in the current directory, walkis up the parent dir until it finds it.
{String} - directory to start looking in.callback
openPackageJson(currentPath, callback)
Returns the contents of the nearest package.json. If it can't find package.json in the current directory, walkis up the parent dir until it finds it.
{String} - directory to start looking incallback
Returns: {Object} JSON.parsed() contents of package.json
findWithRequireSemantics(currentPath, item, callback)
Finds the location of a require() dependency. i.e., require('a/b') can resolve to either b.js, or b/index.js.
{String} - directory to start looking initem
{String} - the require dependencycallback
Returns: {Object} contains a foundPath
and statInfo
openWithRequireSemantics(currentPath, callback)
Finds the location of a require() dependency. i.e., require('a/b') can resolve to either b.js, or b/index.js.
{String} - directory to start looking initem
{String} - the require dependencycallback
Returns: {Object} contains foundPath
, statInfo
, and contents
require() dependency introspection
Given a filepath with, attempt to find a node_module in the path. i.e., /app/node_modules/lodash => lodash /app/node_modules/lodash/node_modules/foo => foo
{String} - a file path
Returns: {String} name of the module
Returns true if a file path has node_modules
in it.
{String} - a file path
Returns: {Boolean}
Returns true if the require() dependency refers to a node_module.
i.e., require('lodash') => true require('lodash/array/map') => true require('./a') => false
Returns: {Boolean}
Returns true if the require() dependency refers to the main entry point of a node_module.
i.e., require('lodash') => true require('lodash/array/map') => false
Returns: {Boolean}
Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Ensure that lint and style checks pass.
To start contributing, install the git preush hooks:
make githooks
Before committing, run the prepush hook:
make prepush
If you have style errors, you can auto fix whitespace issues by running:
make codestyle-fix
Copyright (c) 2015 Alex Liu
Licensed under the MIT license.