
A vinyl-passthrough-stream for testing purposes

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vinylTapper from '';



npm version

A transform-stream for vinyl stream that emits a 'tap'-event for every file


Works with buffer- and file- vinyl-streams, optionally terminates the stream.


Check meta data

Check if gulp-unzip correctly strips the .gz - extension:

import assert from 'assert';
import path from 'path';
import gunzip from 'gulp-gunzip';
import vinylFs from 'vinyl-fs';
import vinylTapper from 'vinyl-tapper';

const tapper = vinylTapper();
tapper.on('tap', function(file) {

vinylFs.src(['**/*.gz'], {cwd: 'src', buffer: false}) 
// works with 'buffer: true', too 

Check contents

Check if gulp-unzip does some expansion

import assert from 'assert';
import path from 'path';
import gunzip from 'gulp-gunzip';
import vinylFs from 'vinyl-fs';
import vinylTapper from 'vinyl-tapper';

const tapper = vinylTapper({provideBuffer: true});
tapper.on('tap', function(file, buffer) {
  var contents = buffer.toString('utf8');
  assert(contents.match(/exports/)) // all our modules do export something

vinylFs.src(['**/*.gz'], {cwd: 'src', buffer: false}) 
// works with 'buffer: true', too 

The passed file-object are not modified in any manner.


If there is no need to pipe along the resulting stream, you can specify terminate: true to get it eaten up right here:

const tapper = vinylTapper({provideBuffer: true, terminate: true});
tapper.on('tap', function(file, buffer) {
  // do some checks

vinylFs.src(['**/*.gz'], {cwd: 'src', buffer: false})
  .on('end', function() {
    // all files have been tapped now...


const tapper = tapper(options);

Creates a new tapper-stream. Available options:

  • single: If true, creates a tapper for a single data-stream. If false (default), create a tapper for a vinyl-file-stream.
  • provideBuffer: If true, 'tap'-events will provide a buffer.
  • terminate: If true, the incoming stream will be consumed by the tapper.

Event 'tap'

  • file (only if not single): the vinyl-file object
  • buffer (only if provideBuffer): the buffered contents of the vinyl-file.

This event will be emitted as soon as possible: With not provideBuffer or if a file already holds a buffer, this will be when the file enters the tapper. For stream-files with provideBuffer the event will be emmitted when the file has passed completely.