
Lodash virtual bindings

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import virtualLodash from '';



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Wrapper functions for Lodash that can be used as virtual methods with es6 bind operator.

import {camelCase} from 'virtual-lodash';
// or
import camelCase from 'virtual-lodash/camelCase';

'FOO_BAR'::camelCase(); // → 'fooBar'


Implementation of wrapper functions is performance oriented and uses arguments only if wrapped Lodash method does so.

For example, here is a wrapper function for cloneWith that has fixed arity:

var _cloneWith = require('lodash/cloneWith');

module.exports = function cloneWith(customizer) {
  'use strict';
  return _cloneWith(this, customizer);

On the other hand, union method uses arguments object and so does corresponding wrapper:

var _union = require('lodash/union');

module.exports = function union() {
  'use strict';
  var length = arguments.length;
  var args = Array(length + 1);
  args[0] = this;
  for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    args[i + 1] = arguments[i];
  return _union.apply(void 0, args);


virtual-lodash has same versioning as Lodash itself, so virtual-lodash@4.17.2 uses lodash@4.17.2 under the hood. Project is automatically rebuild on the same day when new Lodash update arrives.


The code is available under MIT licence.