
Create the routes array needed by vue-router using a pages directory containing vue component files

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vroutify from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/vroutify';



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A Node.js module with available npx command to create the routes array required by vue-router. Requires version 16.5.0 of Node.js or greater, Vue.js, and Vue Router.

If you have used Nuxt.js, you should find the rules about the pages directory very familiar.


With npm install locally:

npm install --save-dev vroutify

or install globally:

npm install -g vroutify

Vroutify Example

Please refer to the example folder in this repo for a working Vue.js project that uses Vroutify. The examples presented below are very similar to the working example Vue.js project.



"scripts": {
    "vroutify": "vroutify"

project directory structure:

├── src
│   ├── App.vue
│   ├── components
│   │   ├── AFooter.vue
│   │   └── AHeader.vue
│   ├── main.js
│   ├── pages
│   │   ├── about.vue
│   │   ├── authors
│   └── router
│       ├── index.js
│       └── routes.js

In the terminal, issue:

npm run vroutify


Command Line Arguments

--pages-dir [src/pages]

The directory containing your application's views/pages. A relative path from the project root directory. It defaults to src/pages

--router-dir [src/router]

The directory containing your router setup files. A relative path from the project root directory. It defaults to src/router

--source-dir [src]

The directory containing your application's source files. A relative path from the project root directory. It defaults to src

--source-dir-alias [@]

An alias for the source-dir that should be used in import statements. It defaults to @. This is currently in line with what Vue CLI uses.

File System Routing

Pages Directory

This directory should contain your application views and the directory's structure will determine how your routes are set up. Specifically, Vroutify will read all the .vue files and any routing.mjs files in src/pages to create a routes.js file in the src/router folder that is used directly by Vue Router.

This file tree in the pages directory:

├── about.vue
├── authors/
│   ├── index.vue
│   └── _userid
│       └── index.vue
├── editors/
│   ├── ignored.js
│   ├── index.vue
│   └── _userid.vue
├── -help.vue
├── ignored.js
├── index.vue
├── -others/
│   ├── index.vue
│   └── _userid.vue
├── readers/
│   ├── index.vue
│   └── _userid/
│       ├── index.vue
│       └── routing.mjs
└── routing.mjs

will generate the following routes.js file:

import HOME from '@/pages/index.vue';
import HOMEABOUT from '@/pages/about.vue';
import HOMEAUTHORS from '@/pages/authors/index.vue';
import HOMEAUTHORS_USERID from '@/pages/authors/_userid/index.vue';
import HOMEEDITORS from '@/pages/editors/index.vue';
import HOMEEDITORS_USERID from '@/pages/editors/_userid.vue';
import HOMEREADERS from '@/mypages/readers/index.vue';
import HOMEREADERS_USERID from '@/mypages/readers/_userid/index.vue';
import HOMEREADERS_USERIDAFOOTER from '@/components/AFooter.vue';
import HOMEREADERS_USERIDAHEADER from '@/components/AHeader.vue';

export default [
    path: '/',
    component: HOME,
    children: [
        path: 'readers',
        component: HOMEREADERS,
        children: [
            path: ':userid',
            meta: {
              needsAuth: true,
            components: {
              header: HOMEREADERS_USERIDAHEADER,
              footer: HOMEREADERS_USERIDAFOOTER,
              default: HOMEREADERS_USERID,
            props: {
              header: true,
              footer: true,
              default: true,
        path: 'editors',
        component: HOMEEDITORS,
        children: [
            path: ':userid',
            component: HOMEEDITORS_USERID,
            props: true,
        path: 'authors',
        component: HOMEAUTHORS,
        children: [
            path: ':userid',
            component: HOMEAUTHORS_USERID,
            props: true,
        path: '/about',
        component: HOMEABOUT,
Files Named index.vue

These files contain Vue components that will be referenced at the route corresponding to the directory that contains the file. For example, pages/index.vue will place the component in that file at the route /. Likewise, pages/authors/index.vue will place the component in that file at /authors.

Other .vue Files

These Vue component files will place the component at a route specified by the filename. For example, pages/about.vue will place the component in that file at /about.

Dynamic Routes

It's often necessary to allow for routes that are accessed dynamically. For example, one may wish to access the page for a specific author, referenced by the author's userid: /authors/23 where 23 is a user's id. This result can be achieved by using an underscore character to precede the directory name (as in pages/authors/_userid/index.vue) or the file name (as in pages/editors/_userid.vue).

routing.mjs Files

These are special files that you can use to supplement the route object created by Vroutify for each route. (Route object is the name used for each of the objects in the routes array of the routes.js file.) These files are necessary in some cases. For example, pages/readers/index.vue contains 3 router views: 1 default view and 2 named views - header and footer. These must be populated using a components object specified in the route object. (Please refer to the Vue Router documentation on named views if the preceding sentence is unclear)


export default {
  meta: {
    needsAuth: true,
  components: {
    header: '@/components/AHeader.vue',
    footer: '@/components/AFooter.vue',
    default: '@/mypages/readers/_userid/index.vue',

Options Are Merged

A routing.mjs file will merge its options with those generated automatically by Vroutify. It will override any of the automatically generated options in the routes object. This can be useful in some cases. If, for example, a props object were specified in pages/readers/routing.mjs, it would override the automatically generated props object.

Vue Component Imports

In the example above, the path to each view component is specified. (The @ is an alias for the project src directory). A direct import of Vue components is not possible at the moment since routing.mjs is read by Node.js. Import statements that are capable of being understood by Node.js can work but it is not recommended that import statements be used in routing.mjs files at the moment.

Functions as Properties

Functions are supported but they must not be arrow functions

Ignored Routes

Routes that start with a hyphen, -, will be ignored by Vroutify. In this example, pages/-others and pages/-help.vue are ignored.

Ignored Files

Files that don't end in .vue will be ignored.
