
<h1 align="center"><b>Vue Telegram Plugin</b></h1> <h4 align="center">A plugin for Vue support authorize and send message in telegram</h4> <h5 align="center">No dependencies, just <a href="">tdweb</a>(99% size)</h5>

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vueTelegramPlugin from '';


Vue Telegram Plugin

A plugin for Vue support authorize and send message in telegram

No dependencies, just tdweb(99% size)


# Yarn
yarn add vue-telegram-plugin

# Npm
npm install vue-telegram-plugin


Prepare tdweb library

This plugin using tdweb (Telegram Data Libraty - TDLib in browser), so after installing you have to make all tdweb's files loadable from your server. For example you can copy all file in vue-telegram-plugin/lib folder into the server's public folder.

cp -r node_modules/vue-telegram-plugin/lib/* public/

Create your Telegram Application

For using telegram API you must register an application. You could easily create application at

Loading the plugin

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueTelegram from 'vue-telegram-plugin'

Vue.use(VueTelgram, options)

Available options

Name Data Type Descroption
useTestDC Boolean If set to true, the Telegram test environment will be used instead of the production environment. Default: true
logVerbosityLevel Number The initial verbosity level for the TDLib internal logging (0-1023). Default: 1
jsLogVerbosityLevel Number The initial verbosity level of the JavaScript part of the code. Default: 3
useDatabase Boolean Default: false. If set to true, the library will maintain a cache of users, basic groups, supergroups, channels and secret chats.
apiId String(required) Application identifier for Telegram API access, which can be obtained at
apiHash String(required) Application identifier hash for Telegram API access, which can be obtained at
system_language_code String IETF language tag of the user's operating system language. Default en
database_directory String The path to the directory for the persistent database. Default: /telegramdb

Available methods

Methods that are register on vue $vTelegram instance. For first, call init method to initialize telegram service.

Method Params Descroption
init Initialize telegram service
login phoneNumber(String) Login with phone number
confirmVerificationCode verificationCode(String) Confirm the verification code
getMe Get logged user information
searchChats {
  query(String),   limit(Number)
Search chat's title match query with limit results
sendMessage {
  chatId(String),   message(String)
Send message to chat with chatId
logout Logout user

Available events

Events that are emmited on the vue $vTelegramBus instance (Event Bus).

// Listening an event.
Vue.$vTelegramBus.on(event, () => {})

// Remove one or move event.
Vue.$, () => {})

// Listen for the given event once.
Vue.$vTelegramBus.once(event, () => {})

// Emit an event.
Vue.$vTelegramBus.once(event, ...args)
Event Argurments Descroption
authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber Telegram need the user's phone number to authorize. Call $vTelegram.login method to provice the phone number.
authorizationStateWaitCode Telegram need the the user's authentication code to authorize. Call $vTelegram.confirmVerificationCode method to provice the authenticateion code.
authorizationStateReady The user has been successfully authorized. VueTelegram is now ready to use such as $vTelegram.getMe() ...

Auth component

If you don't want to create your auth component you can use VueTelegramAuth that registered global. This component is a dialog contain phone and verification code submit's form to authenticate user. Simple to use no parameters required. To use the component, you have to install ElementUI

<VueTelegramAuth />