
Input field component to display currency value based on vue-numeric.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vue3Numeric from '';



npm npm npm npm

This is an implementation for Vue 3 of the Original project vue-numeric in its version 2.4.3


$ npm install vue3-numeric

# Yarn
$ yarn add vue3-numeric


    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="app">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="module">
      const VueNumeric = window["vue3-numeric"];
        setup() {
          const price = Vue.ref("123");
          return { price };
      .component("vue-numeric", VueNumeric)

Register globally

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import VueNumeric from 'vue3-numeric';

  .component("vue-numeric", VueNumeric)

Register as Component (Composition Api)

import { ref } from 'vue';
import VueNumeric from 'vue3-numeric';
export default {
  components: { VueNumeric },
  setup() {
    const price = ref('');
    return { price };

Register as Component (Composition Api - setup sugar)

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import VueNumeric from 'vue3-numeric';
const price = ref('');


Quick example

import { ref } from 'vue';
import VueNumeric from 'vue3-numeric';
export default {
  components: { VueNumeric },
  setup() {
    const price = ref('');
    return { price };

Currency symbol

Set the currency prop to add a currency symbol within the input.

<vue-numeric currency="quot;></vue-numeric>

Currency symbol Spacing

Set the currencySymbolSpacing prop to false to show $2.00. instead of $ 2.00. By default the value is true


Minimum & maximum constraint

Limit the minimum and maximum value by using min and max props.

  • min defaults to 0.
  • min and max accept String or Number values.
<vue-numeric v-bind:min="2000" v-bind:max="10000"></vue-numeric>

Disable/enable negative values

minus defaults to false (no negative numbers).

<vue-numeric v-bind:minus="false"></vue-numeric>

Enable decimal precision

By default the decimal value is disabled. To use decimals in the value, add the precision prop.

  • precision accept a String or Number numeric value.
<vue-numeric v-bind:precision="2"></vue-numeric>

Thousands separator

  • Default thousand separator's symbol is ,.
  • Use the separator prop to change the thousands separator.
  • separator only accepts space, , or ..
  • When using the . or space as thousand separator, the decimal separator will be ,.
<vue-numeric separator="."></vue-numeric>

Input placeholder when empty

<vue-numeric placeholder="only number allowed"></vue-numeric>

Value when empty

By default, when you clean the input the value is set to 0. You can change this value to fit your needs.

<vue-numeric :empty-value="1"></vue-numeric>

Output Type

By default the value emitted for the input event is of type Number. However you may choose to get a String instead by setting the property output-type to String.

<vue-numeric output-type="String"></vue-numeric>


Props Description Required Type Default
currency Currency prefix false String -
currency-symbol-position Position of the symbol (accepted values: prefix or suffix) false String prefix
currency-symbol-spacing Ability to remove space between currency symbol and amount false Boolean true
max Maximum value allowed false Number 9007199254740991
min Minimum value allowed false Number -9007199254740991
minus Enable/disable negative values false Boolean false
placeholder Input placeholder false String -
empty-value Value when input is empty false Number 0
output-type Output Type for input event false String String
precision Number of decimals false Number -
separator Thousand separator symbol (accepts space, . or ,) false String ,
decimal-separator Custom decimal separator false String -
thousand-separator Custom thousand separator false String -
read-only Hide input field and show the value as text false Boolean false
read-only-class Class for read-only element false String ''


MIT license

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