
WebExtension module: Automatically registers your `content_scripts` on domains added via `permission.request`

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import webextDynamicContentScripts from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/webext-dynamic-content-scripts';


webext-dynamic-content-scripts npm version

WebExtension module: Automatically registers your content_scripts on domains added via permission.request

For example, when your users enable more domains via webext-domain-permission-toggle, this module will automatically register your content_scripts from manifest.json into the new domain.

The main use case is to add support for GitHub/GitLab Enterprise domains to your GitHub/GitLab extension: you start with github.com and then users can add new domains; this way you don't need to use a broad <all_urls> permission.

Tested in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.


How to let your users enable your extension on any domain.


You can download the standalone bundle and include it in your manifest.json. Or use npm:

npm install webext-dynamic-content-scripts
// This module is only offered as a ES Module
import 'webext-dynamic-content-scripts';


Include webext-dynamic-content-scripts as a background script and add optional_permissions to allow new permissions to be added. The scripts defined in content_scripts will be added on the new domains (matches will be replaced)

// example manifest.json
    "optional_permissions": [
    "background": {
        "scripts": [
    "content_scripts": [
            "matches": [
            "css": [
            "js": [

Permissions for Chrome

This section does not apply to Firefox users.

In order to use all_frames: true you should the add webNavigation permission. Without it, all_frames: true won’t work:

  • when the iframe is not on the same domain as the top frame
  • when the iframe reloads or navigates to another page
  • when the iframe is not ready when runAt is configured to run (runAt: 'start' is unlikely to work)

If available, the webNavigation API will be automatically used in every situation for better performance.




  • webext-options-sync - Helps you manage and autosave your extension's options. Chrome and Firefox.
  • webext-storage-cache - Map-like promised cache storage with expiration. Chrome and Firefox
  • webext-detect-page - Detects where the current browser extension code is being run. Chrome and Firefox.
  • web-ext-submit - Wrapper around Mozilla’s web-ext to submit extensions to AMO.
  • Awesome-WebExtensions - A curated list of awesome resources for WebExtensions development.


MIT © Federico Brigante