
Webhandle auth and users module

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import webhandleUsers from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/webhandle-users';


Basic code to authenticate user profiles and limit access to URLs.

Simples usage

const webhandle = require('webhandle')
const usersSetup = require('webhandle-users/integrate-with-webhandle')
let pretemplate = "app_pre"
let posttemplate = "app_post"

    app: webhandle, 
    mongoDb: webhandle.dbs.myDBName.db, 
    pretemplate: pretemplate, 
    posttemplate: posttemplate,
    onLogin: (req, res, next) => {
        // This is a handle that gets run when a user successully logs in

Authentication Service

The most basic component is the AuthService which saves and verifies users. It takes a set of options and mongo collection. Use like:

    const AuthService = require('webhandle-user/auth-service')
    const createUserIfNoneExists = require('webhandle-user/util/create-user-if-none-exists')
    let authService = new AuthService({
        iterations: 100,
        salt: 'this is unique to the application',
        algorithm: 'sha256',
        mongoCollection: my_mongo_collection_object
    createUserIfNoneExists(authService, name, pass, ["group1", "group1"], callback)
    authService.login(name, pass, (err, user) => {
        // failed login will result in an error being passed


There's also a set of code which works with to set user tokens in sessions. The easiest way to hook up all these pieces is (assuming use of webhandle):

const webhandleUserIntegrator = require('webhandle-users')
let integrator = webhandleUserIntegrator(mongo_db, {})
webhandle.services.authService = integrator.authService

This adds a couple methods to the req and res objects to work with users.

To create a user session:


To log them out:


To access the user information:


These sessions are not stored in memory so can be used across a cluster.


There's also some basic code for handling login and logout. The file creates a router which has url handlers for /login and /logout.


Authenticating by Group

Allow access to some_router to any user who is a member of the group administrators or a member of the group editors.

let securedRouter = require('webhandle-users/utils/allow-group')(['administrators', 'editors'], some_router)