
Webextension Manifest Generator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wextManifest from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wext-manifest';


wext-manifest npm version

Webextension Manifest Generator

Generate browser tailored manifest.json for Web Extensions

🙋‍♂️ Made by @abhijithvijayan

Donate: PayPal, Patreon

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Browser Support

| Chrome | Firefox | Opera | Edge | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |

This module will take a definition input for the manifest, and return you filename and content for the specified browser.

Looking for Web Extension starter?

Checkout web-extension-starter that uses this package


npm install --save wext-manifest


const wextManifest = require("wext-manifest");

const input = {
    manifest_version: 2,
    name: "Sample WebExtension",
    version: "0.0.1",

    icons: {
        "16": "assets/icons/favicon-16.png",
        "32": "assets/icons/favicon-32.png",
        "48": "assets/icons/favicon-48.png",
        "128": "assets/icons/favicon-128.png"

    description: "Sample description",
    homepage_url: "https://github.com/abhijithvijayan/web-extension-starter",
    short_name: "Sample Name",

    permissions: ["tabs", "storage", "http://*/*", "https://*/*"],
    content_security_policy: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; object-src 'self'",

    "__chrome|firefox__author": "abhijithvijayan",
    __opera__developer: {
        name: "abhijithvijayan"

    __firefox__applications: {
        gecko: { id: "{754FB1AD-CC3B-4856-B6A0-7786F8CA9D17}" }

    __chrome__minimum_chrome_version: "49",
    __opera__minimum_opera_version: "36",

    browser_action: {
        default_popup: "popup.html",
        default_icon: {
            "16": "assets/icons/favicon-16.png",
            "32": "assets/icons/favicon-32.png",
            "48": "assets/icons/favicon-48.png",
            "128": "assets/icons/favicon-128.png"
        default_title: "tiny title",
        "__chrome|opera__chrome_style": false,
        __firefox__browser_style: false

    "__chrome|opera__options_page": "options.html",

    options_ui: {
        page: "options.html",
        open_in_tab: true,
        __chrome__chrome_style: false

// => { name: 'manifest.json', content: '{"manifest_version":2...' }

What are vendor prefixed manifest keys?

Vendor prefixed manifest keys allow you to write one manifest.json for multiple vendors.

  "__chrome__name": "AwesomeChrome",
  "__firefox__name": "AwesomeFox",
  "__edge__name": "AwesomeEdge",
  "__opera__name": "AwesomeOpera"

if the vendor is chrome this compiles to:

  "name": "AwesomeChrome",

Add keys to multiple vendors by seperating them with | in the prefix

  __chrome|opera__name: "AwesomeExtension"

if the vendor is chrome or opera, this compiles to:

  "name": "AwesomeExtension"

With Webpack

You can easily use this module together with the write-webpack-plugin to output the manifest file as part of your build process.

The following example will create extension/firefox/manifest.json when TARGET_BROWSER=firefox.

const path = require("path");
const wextManifest = require("wext-manifest");
const WriteWebpackPlugin = require("write-webpack-plugin");

const targetBrowser = process.env.TARGET_BROWSER;

const manifest = wextManifest[targetBrowser]({
    // Manifest input

module.exports = {
    // ...

    output: {
        path: path.join(__dirname, "extension", targetBrowser),
        filename: "[name].js"

    plugins: [
        // ...

        new WriteWebpackPlugin([
            { name: manifest.name, data: Buffer.from(manifest.content) }

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MIT © Abhijith Vijayan