
Node.js SDK for Whispir's Powerful Conversation API.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import whispirNodeSdk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/whispir-node-sdk';


Whispir SDK for NodeJS

Deliver communications to your users, team members, customers, stakeholders or staff members via simple node.js commands.

Powered by Whispir.io

Whispir supports communication via:

  • sms

    • 2 way
    • number masking
  • email

    • email to sms
  • voice (ivr)

  • web

    • rich messaging
  • push notifications

  • rss

  • social media

    • twitter
    • facebook
    • linkedin

The value of Whispir lies in how quickly one can orchestrate a rich workflow by pivoting from one channel to another without the need for changing the providers. So, you can begin with SMS, depending on the reply, send an email or trigger a voice call.

An Example:

Customer satisfaction survey

  • Send an SMS asking for rating of your service (1[bad] - 10[good])
  • Customer replies to your SMS (whispir supports SMS replies for free) as 3
  • Immediately you can
    • Send a callback response to your support application to add rating comments OR send a support email to your Customer service agent
    • May choose to call the customer via voice channel to get in-person input
    • ...
    • ...

For more details and use cases visit https://www.whispir.com and https://whispir.io

Note: This SDK is built to support the API definitions provided at https://whispir.io. If there is any bug/issue in implementation of this library, please refer to the API Documentation first and then raise a ticket.

Getting Started

You'll need to sign up for an account at Whispir.io. This will give you your username, password and apikey.

Installing the SDK

Whispir SDK is available on NPM. Dependencies are q (for promises), _ (underscore), request, chai-as-promised, chai, nock, mock-fs, mocha.

npm install whispir-node-sdk

Initiating a client

To use the SDK library, you have to create a client object first. This client provides you with all the resources (for each endpoint and some util packages)

var WhispirSDK = require('whispir-node-sdk');

// sending in credentials, and apiKey
var wAPIClient = new WhispirSDK('username', 'password', 'apikey');

// whispir sdk also supports passing in the credentials, key via a fixed auth.json file placed in the home directory (shown below)
// when no params are passed, the SDK searches in your home directory
var wAPIClient = new WhispirSDK();

Create a file in your home directory:

mkdir ~/.whispir
touch ~/.whispir/auth.json

The auth.json file should look as follows:


The whispir-node-sdk looks in your home directory for these properties so without them set, it won't be able to connect to the API.

Resources (endpoints)

The SDK supports the following API Endpoints

/messages Message wAPIClient.Message()
/templates Template wAPIClient.Template()
/contacts Contact wAPIClient.Contact()
/distributionlists DistributionList, DL wAPIClient.DistributionList(), wAPIClient.DL()
/users User wAPIClient.User()
/callbacks Callback wAPIClient.Callback()
/workspaces Workspace wAPIClient.WorkSpace()
/activities Activity wAPIClient.Activity()
/event Event wAPIClient.Event()
/customlists CustomList wAPIClient.CustomList()
/responserules ResponseRule wAPIClient.ResponseRule()
/scenarios Scenario wAPIClient.Scenario()
/resources Resource wAPIClient.Resource()
/import Import wAPIClient.Import()

How to Use ?

Using Whispir-node-sdk is easy. Here's an example of sending a Message.

var WhispirSDK = require('whispir-node-sdk');

var wAPIClient = new WhispirSDK(); // uses the auth.json file as no params are passed in

// creating the message | `new` prefix is not needed. its automatic
var wMessage = wAPIClient.Message({
        to: '+10000000',
        subject: 'Hello',
        body: 'Sending a message using whispir node sdk'

    //send() triggers the API call and it returns a promise.
        //result contains the location, id of the sent message
        console.log('The id is `%s`, and location is `%s`', result.id, result.location);
    }, function(fail){
        // contains the response code and error

To send a message in a particular workspace, you can -

  • set the workspace at client level
    • all the API Calls made using this client uses the workspaceId "1234ABCD"
    • you can use the wAPIClient.getWorkSpaceId() to return you the current workSpaceId of the client object (set at global level)
    /* set workspace at client level */

  • set the workspace at the RESOURCE level
    • this will NOT overwrite the client's workSpaceId.
    • It is temporary and is only limited to this Resource (API Call) you are doing
    • you can use the wMessage.get('workSpaceId') to return you the current workSpaceId of the client object that is sending making this API Call
    • helps you to use a single client and switch between multiple workspaces with ease
    • there is no wMessage.workSpaceId('1234ABCD') method available to set the workSpaceId. It must be passed in when the RESOURCE is being created. wAPIClient.wMessage({workSpaceId: '1234ABCD'})
var WhispirSDK = require('whispir-node-sdk');

var wAPIClient = new WhispirSDK(); // uses the auth.json file as no params are passed in

/* set workspace at resource level */

var wMessage = wAPIClient.Message({workSpaceId : '4567MNOP'});

/* assertion */
wAPIClient.getWorkSpaceId() === wMessage.get('workSpaceId') // return false

Method Chaining and Promises

WhispirSDK supports method chaining and also returns a promise after an API call is made. So, you can do -

var wMessage = wAPIClient.Message({workSpaceId: 'ABCD1234'})
                .to('+100000000'); // no dashes please

var wTemplate = wAPIClient.Template({workSpaceId: 'ABCD1234'})
                .body('Sample Message');

/* create a template and then send a message using that template */
wTemplate.create().then( function (template) {
        return wMessage.useTemplateWithIdAs(template.id).send(); //sending a message returns a promise again
    }).then( function (message) {
        console.log('The id is `%s`, and location is `%s`', message.id, message.location);
    }.catch( function (err) {
        console.log('Error occurred', err);

How to ?


  • To send a message via SMS , Email, Voice, Social Media channels
  • Message also comes with neat synonyms - SMS, Email, Call. These 3 are in all parts similar to message. they are just a naming convenience to state the nature of the message object and the channel of communication.
var wMessage = wAPIClient.Message();

var wSMS = wAPIClient.SMS(); // === wMessage
var wEmail = wAPIClient.Email();
var wCall = wAPIClient.Call();

Methods Available

Method name Definition Use
client function() {}
- takes no arguments
returns the current client configuration object (apiKey, username, password)

var clientConfig = wMessage().client()
describe function() {}
- takes no arguments
returns simple help about this endpoint

get function (string propertyName) {} returns the value of a property in this object

wMessage().get('to'); \\ - returns the value of 'to' property

Throws an Error "property is undefined in RESOURCE Object" if requested for an invalid property Or property whose value is not yet set
id function (string id) {} sets the message Id value. Used during the retrieve, getMessageStatus, getMessageResponses actions

- returns the object instance for method chaining
to function (string to) {} sets the to value. Your string could be comma separated values of phone numbers, email, contact MRI, DistributionList MRI values

wMessage().to('6598765432, sam@example.com'); \\ sets the value for 'to' property

- returns the object instance for method chaining
subject function (string subject) {} sets the subject value. Common for both SMS, Email

- returns the object instance for method chaining
body function (string body) {} sets the body value (goes in as SMS text)

- returns the object instance for method chaining
email function (object email) {} sets the email value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
voice, call function (object voice) {} sets the voice value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
web function (object web) {} sets the web value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
social function (object social) {} sets the social value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
type function (string type) {} sets the type value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
social function (object social) {} sets the social value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
messageattributes function (object messageattributes) {} sets the messageattributes value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
resource function (object resource) {} sets the resource value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
features function (object features) {} sets the features value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
schedule function (object schedule) {} sets the schedule value

accepts the following in the object { count: '', days: '', hours: '', minutes: '', startDate: '', type: ''}
scheduleType can be ONCE or REPEAT

- returns the object instance for method chaining
messageTemplateId, useTemplateWithIdAs, usingTemplateId function (string templateId) {} sets the messageTemplateId value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
messageTemplateName, useTemplateWithNameAs, usingTemplateName function (string templateName) {} sets the messageTemplateName value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
callbackId function (string callbackName) {} sets the callbackId value. Actually its the name of the callback. Not the Id. So provide the name, not the Id

- returns the object instance for method chaining
callbackParameters function (object callbackParameters) {} sets the callbackParameters value. These values are returned back to you via the callback response.

- returns the object instance for method chaining
eventId, usingEventId function (string eventId) {} sets the eventId. The messages sent under this eventId

- returns the object instance for method
label function (string label) {} sets the label value.

- returns the object instance for method chaining
attach function (string type, Array attachments) { } Useful to send attachment for Email or Custom voice messages in Voice Calls

- returns the object instance for method
toJsonString function () {} - returns the object as string

you cannot chain a method after this

Methods that trigger the API Call

Method name Definition Use
search function (string queryParams) {} searches for message with the given queryParams

returns a promise with results
getStatus, getMessageStatus function (string view) {}

- view can be either 'summary' or 'detailed'
- the id property (messageId) must have been set to the object already
provides the status for the given messageId

- returns a promise with status in results.body
getResponses, getMessageResponses function (string view) {}

- view can be either 'summary' or 'detailed'
- the id property (messageId) must have been set to the object already
provides the responses for the given messageId

- returns a promise with responses in results.body
retrieveEventMessages function () {} retrieves all the messages sent for a specific event. The Message label has to be provided for this method to succeed

- returns a promise with responses in results.body
send, make function (string message-properties-object) {}

the parameter for this function can be a json object with all the message properties sent directly such that you do not need to define each property separately. (see example code below)
does the API Call to send the message. send - make are synonyms here. send for message (sms), email. where as make for Call.

- returns a promise with id, location of the sent message
bulkSend function () {} to be used ONLY when doing a bulk sending of messages via the resourceId as VSMT headers would differ from normal send. For this to succeed, the resourceId property must be defined. Refer to /resources endpoint for more information

- returns a promise with id, location of the sent message

Code Examples for message object

Sending a Message / SMS

  • Refer to Online API Documentation Link
var messageDefn = {
    workSpaceId: 'AZYPK123ER54HG23',
    to : '+100000000',
    subject: 'This is a Subject',
    body: 'This is body of message'

var onSuccess = function (result) {
    // result contains the location, id of the sent message
    console.log('The id is `%s`, and location is `%s`', result.id, result.location);

var onFailure = function (fail) {
    // contains the response code and error
    console.log('Error Code: %s, Reason: %s', fail.statusCode, fail.body);

/* Defining the message when Initiating it */
wAPIClient.Message(messageDefn).send().then(onSuccess, onFailure);

/* workSpaceId can only be sent while Initiating; then using method chains to define the rest of message properties */

var messageOptions = {
        workSpaceId: 1
var messageProperties = {
        to: '+6598765432',
        subject: 'message subject',
        body: 'message body'

    .send().then(onSuccess, onFailure);

/* sending the message property directly to the send method */
    .send(messageProperties).then(onSuccess, onFailure);

// Note: If workspaceId is not passed, the message will be sent in your Default workspace
    .send().then(onSuccess, onFailure); // message sent in Default workspace

/* you may also use .SMS() in place of .Message() in all the examples above */
wAPIClient.SMS() is same as wAPIClient.Message();

Sending an Email

  • Refer to Online API Documentation Link
var EmailDefn = {
    workSpaceId: 'AZYPK123ER54HG23',
    to : "john.smith@test.com",
    subject : "Test Email Message",
    email : {
        body : "Email Body goes here.",
        footer : "Email signature goes here.",
        type : "text/plain"

var onSuccess = function (result) {
    // result contains the location, id of the sent message
    console.log('The id is `%s`, and location is `%s`', result.id, result.location);

var onFailure = function (fail) {
    // contains the response code and error
    console.log('Error Code: %s, Reason: %s', fail.statusCode, fail.body);

/* Defining the message when Initiating it */
wAPIClient.Message(EmailDefn).send().then(onSuccess, onFailure);

/* workSpaceId can only be sent while Initiating; then using method chains to define the rest of message properties */

var messageOptions = {
    workSpaceId: 1
var messageProperties = {
    to : "john.smith@test.com",
    subject : "Test Email Message",
    email : {
        body : "Email Body goes here.",
        footer : "Email signature goes here.",
        type : "text/plain"

    .send().then(onSuccess, onFailure);

/* sending the message property directly to the send method */
    .send(messageProperties).then(onSuccess, onFailure);

// you may also use .Email() in place of .Message() in all the examples above
wAPIClient.Email() is same as wAPIClient.Message();

Making a Voice call, and Conference calls

  • Refer to Online API Documentation Link
var VoiceDefn = {
    workSpaceId: 'AZYPK123ER54HG23',
    to : "john.smith@test.com",
    subject : "Test Email Message",
    voice : {
        header : "This is the introduction of the voice call",
        body : "This is the body of the message",
        type : "ConfCall:,ConfAccountNo:,ConfPinNo:,ConfModPinNo:,Pin:"

var onSuccess = function (result) {
    // result contains the location, id of the sent message
    console.log('The id is `%s`, and location is `%s`', result.id, result.location);

var onFailure = function (fail) {
    // contains the response code and error
    console.log('Error Code: %s, Reason: %s', fail.statusCode, fail.body);

/* Defining the message when Initiating it */
wAPIClient.Message(VoiceDefn).send().then(onSuccess, onFailure);

/* workSpaceId can only be sent while Initiating; then using method chains to define the rest of message properties */

var messageOptions = {
    workSpaceId: 1
var messageProperties = {
    to : "john.smith@test.com",
    subject : "Test Email Message",
    voice : {
        header : "This is the introduction of the voice call",
        body : "This is the body of the message",
        type : "ConfCall:,ConfAccountNo:,ConfPinNo:,ConfModPinNo:,Pin:"

    .make().then(onSuccess, onFailure);

/* sending the message property directly to the send method */
    .send(messageProperties).then(onSuccess, onFailure);

// you may also use .Email() in place of .Message() in all the examples above
wAPIClient.Call() === wAPIClient.Message()

// send and make are same too
wAPIClient.Call().make() === wAPIClient.Call().send() === wAPIClient.Message().send() === wAPIClient.Message().make()

Get Message Status, Get Message Responses

var messageOptions = {
    workSpaceId: 1,
    id: 'HJ8702734SDNFN7823'

/* getting status of a message */
wAPIClient.Message(messageOptions).getMessageStatus(); // returns a promise

// similarly
wAPIClient.Message(messageOptions).getStatus(); // getStatus() is alias for getMessageStatus(); returns a promise

// you can also pass in workSpaceId, id (messageId) separately
wAPIClient.Message({workSpaceId: messageOptions.workSpaceId}).id(messageOptions.id).getStatus();

/* getting message Responses */
wAPIClient.Message(messageOptions).getMessageResponses(); // returns a promise

// similarly
wAPIClient.Message(messageOptions).getResponses(); // getResponses() is alias for getMessageResponses(); returns a promise


  • Refer to Online Documentation for Templates
  • Refer to examples/Template

Methods Available

Method name Definition Use
client function() {}
- takes no arguments
returns the current client configuration object (apiKey, username, password)

var clientConfig = wTemplate().client()
describe function() {}
- takes no arguments
returns simple help about this endpoint

get function (string propertyName) {} returns the value of a property in this object

wTemplate().get('to'); \\ - returns the value of 'to' property

Throws an Error "property is undefined in RESOURCE Object" if requested for an invalid property Or property whose value is not yet set
id function (string id) {} sets the template Id value. Used during the retrieve, update, delete actions

- returns the object instance for method chaining
name function (string name) {} sets the template name value. Used by when message sending and identification of a template

- returns the object instance for method chaining
description function (string description) {} sets the template description value.

- returns the object instance for method chaining
responseRule, responseTemplateId function (string responseTemplateId) {} sets the responserule associated with this template.

- returns the object instance for method chaining
subject function (string subject) {} sets the subject value. Common for both SMS, Email

- returns the object instance for method chaining
body function (string body) {} sets the body value (goes in as SMS text)

- returns the object instance for method chaining
email function (object email) {} sets the email value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
voice, call function (object voice) {} sets the voice value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
web function (object web) {} sets the web value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
social function (object social) {} sets the social value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
type function (string type) {} sets the type value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
social function (object social) {} sets the social value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
features function (object features) {} sets the features value

- returns the object instance for method chaining
toJsonString function () {} - returns the object as string

you cannot chain a method after this

Methods that trigger the API Call

Method name Definition Use
create function (object template-properties-object) {}

the parameter for this function can be a json object with all the template properties sent directly such that you do not need to define each property separately. (see example code)
does the API Call to create the template.

- returns a promise with id, location of the created template
retrieve function () {} does the API Call to get the template details. The template id must be already set to the object before this method is invoked.

- returns a promise with details of the template
update function (object template-properties-object) {}

the parameter for this function can be a json object with all the template properties sent directly such that you do not need to define each property separately. (see example code. However the template id must be set explicitly via wTemplate.id(*string* id).
- returns a promise with success/ fail
delete function () {} Deletes the template with given Id. Id has to set explicitly via wTemplate.id(*string* id)

- returns a promise with success/ fail

Unit test

  • npm test