
A lazy load library that just doesn't care

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import whtevrEvent from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/whtevr-event';



The lazy loading library that just doesn't care.

This is a fork of @callumacrae's whtevr library (which lazy loads images on scroll), where images can be lazyloaded by a simple event, such as click, mouseover, play, etc. on an element with a chosen CSS selector.

It relies on jQuery.


$ npm install --save whtevr-event


Put everything in a noscript tag with the class "js-whtevr-event":

<noscript class="js-whtevr-event" data-evt="click" data-selector="[data-js='load-js-content']">
    <img src="..." srcset="...">

Whenever an event matching the data-evt attribute on each .js-whtevr-event element is triggered on an element with a selector matching the data-selector attribute, the content will load.

If you fail to specify a data-evt attribute, it will assume a click event and listen for that.

If you fail to specify a data-selector attribute, then the code will not run as this module is designed to work with events on particular elements.

An event will be fired when it is loaded:

$('.js-whtevr-event').on('whtevr-loaded', function (e, $el) {
        elements: $el.toArray()


Released under the MIT license.