
Install/Uninstall Packages with their types(@types/*)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import withTypes from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/with-types';


Install/Uninstall Packages with their types(@types/*)

Ever installed a package to later find out that you don't have that package's @typings/ installed ? If yes, this is the solution for that.

How to Install

Package Name is with-types. Install it using your favorite Package Manager. A local installation is not required if you are using pnpm or npm. As pnpx and npx allow downloading a package and execute it without installation. With Yarn 2.0, this is achievable using yarn dlx

Choose any of the following commands.

# Optional Step with npx
npm install with-types --save-dev

# Optional Step with pnpx
pnpm add with-types --save-dev
# Optional Step with Yarn 2.0 but required for lesser versions
yarn add with-types --dev

How to use

NOTE: If the package is installed locally, you can use a shorthand wt instead of with-types. So, npx with-types become npx wt

  • To install a package with it's typings

    npx with-types install PACKAGE_NAME --save-dev # Supports same flags as npm


    pnpx with-types install PACKAGE_NAME --save-dev # Supports same flags as pnpm


    yarn with-types install PACKAGE_NAME --dev # Supports same flags as yarn. It assumes that package is installed locally.
  • To uninstall a package and it's typings

    npx with-types uninstall PACKAGE_NAME


    pnpx with-types uninstall PACKAGE_NAME


    yarn with-types uninstall PACKAGE_NAME