A Markdown parser for CommonJS (and node.js) based on the excellent Showdown.
Essentially WMD, is just a wrapper around Showdown, with a few hooks for preprocessing, and some default preprocessors and postprocessors.
var wmd = require('wmd');
var html = wmd('Markdown *rocks*.');
wmd(markdown, options)
- markdown - A string containing Markdown.
- options - (optional) An object containing options (see options section)
The main function for converting Markdown to HTML, and normally the only function you'll need ot use. Applies all preprocessors defined in options before passing the result to Showdown for the final rendering.
By default, the underscores and metadata preprocessors are used.
This function returns a doc object. The contents of the doc object may differ depending on the preprocessors used, but will always contain the following:
- doc.html - The final HTML output of the conversion.
- doc.markdown - The markdown text passed to the processsor after all preprocesor functions have been applied.
- doc.raw - The raw string before preprocessors were applied.
The string representation of a doc object (doc.toString()) is the same as doc.html.
An object containing core preprocessor functions:
underscores - code-friendly underscore processing taken from GitHub Flavored Markdown. This means the bar in foo_bar_baz does not get emphasis.
metadata - takes metatdata information from the top of a markdown file and adds it to doc.metadata.
property1: some value property2: multi line value # Markdown goes here
Would result in the following doc object:
{ metadata: { property1: "some value", property2: "multi\nline\nvalue" }, html: "<h1>Markdown goes here</h1>", markdown: "# Markdown goes here", raw: "property1: some value\nproperty2: multi\nline\nvalue\n\n# Markdown goes here" }
Adding preprocessors to wmd:
var wmd = require('wmd');
var html = wmd('Markdown *rocks*.', {
preprocessors: [
function (doc) {
doc.markdown += '.. even more!';
return doc;
By default, the underscores and metadata preprocessors will be used.
An object containing core postprocessor functions:
- jsdom - uses jsdom to add doc.window containing the HTML generated from markdown
- first_para - adds doc.first_para containing the text in the first p tag
- heading - adds doc.heading containing the text in the first h1 tag
Adding postprocessors to wmd:
var wmd = require('wmd');
var html = wmd('Markdown *rocks*.', {
postprocessors: [
function (doc) {
doc.html += '<b>more html stuff</b>';
return doc;
By default, no postprocessors will be used.
- markdown - A string containing Markdown.
The function which performs the conversion from markdown to html. By default this is just Showdown's makeHTML function.
wmd.preprocess(doc, options)
- doc - A doc object
- options - (optional) An object containing options (see options section)
Applies the preprocessor functions defined in options to the doc (usually updating doc.markdown, sometimes adding new properties) before the doc is passed to the processor.
wmd.postprocess(doc, options)
- doc - A doc object
- options - (optional) An object containing options (see options section)
Applies the postprocessor functions defined in options to the doc.
- options - (optional) An object containing options (see options section)
You would not normally need to call this directly. This function adds default options to those passed to the main wmd function.
- preprocessors - An array of functions which can transform the document before its passed to the processor function. By default the underscores and metadata preprocessors are used.
- postprocessors - An array of functions which can transform the document after its been passed to the processor function. By default, no postprocessors are used.