Error types for Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Get descriptive errors for WbemErrorEnum constants, with a call-stack captured at the time you create the error.
throw new wmi.Error(2147749890)
WbemNotFound: The object could not be found.
at Object.<anonymous> (D:\Projecten\GitHub\wmi-errors\example.js:13:7)
at Module._compile (module.js:410:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:417:10)
at Module.load (module.js:344:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:301:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:442:10)
at startup (node.js:136:18)
at node.js:966:3
var wmi = require('wmi-errors')
var err = new wmi.Error(2147749890)
// Errors get a code, errno and message
console.log(err.code, err.errno)
// And have a simple hierarchy
console.log(err instanceof wmi.WbemNotFound)
console.log(err instanceof wmi.Error)
console.log(err instanceof Error)
// Create by errno, code, name or directly
throw new wmi.Error(2147749890)
throw new wmi.Error('2147749890')
throw new wmi.Error('WBEM_NOT_FOUND')
throw new wmi.Error('WbemNotFound')
throw new wmi.WbemNotFound()
// With a custom message
throw new wmi.Error('Thing was not found', 2147749890)
throw new wmi.WbemNotFound('Thing was not found')
// Wrap other error (must have a code, errno or message)
var err = new Error(2147749890)
throw new wmi.Error(err)
// That had a custom message
var inner = new Error('Custom message')
inner.code = 2147749890
// The original error is available as cause property
var outer = new wmi.Error(inner)
console.log(outer.cause === inner)
// Or give it a custom message
var inner = new Error(2147749890)
throw new wmi.Error('Custom message', inner)
With npm do:
npm install wmi-errors
MIT © Vincent Weevers. Some code adapted from errno © 2012-2015 Rod Vagg. Error codes taken from regedit © ironSource.