
A component for fetching WordPress page data from the REST API.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wordpressQueryPage from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wordpress-query-page';


WordPress Query Page

This package contains a query component, along with redux state & selectors for posts pulled from a WordPress site. This uses the node-wpapi package to get your site's data via Query Components (inspired by calypso). The Query Components call the API, which via actions set your site's data into the state.

To use any of these helpers, you'll need to set your Site URL in a global (SiteSettings), so that the API knows what site to connect to. For example:

window.SiteSettings = {
    endpoint: 'url.com/path-to-wordpress',

As of version 1.1, the URL should not include /wp_jsonwordpress-rest-api-oauth-1 adds that for us.

Query Page

Query Page is a React component used in managing the fetching of single pages.


Render the component, passing in the pagePath. It does not accept any children, nor does it render any elements to the page. You can use it adjacent to other sibling components which make use of the fetched data made available through the global application state.

import React from 'react';
import QueryPage from 'wordpress-query-page';
import MyPageItem from './page-item';

export default function MyPageComponent( { page } ) {
    return (
            <QueryPage pagePath={ 'about/' } />
            <MyPageItem page={ page } />




The path to be used in requesting the page.

Page Selectors

You can import these into your project by grabbing them from the selectors file:

import { getPage, isRequestingPage } from 'wordpress-query-page/lib/selectors';

getPage( state, globalId )

isRequestingPage( state, path )

getPageIdFromPath( state, path )

Page State

If you need access to the reducers, action types, or action creators, you can import these from the state file. For example, to use this in your global redux state, mix it into your reducer tree like this:

import pages from 'wordpress-query-page/lib/state';

let reducer = combineReducers( { ...otherReducers, pages } );

If you need to call an action (the query component should take care of this most of the time), you can pull the action out specifically:

import { requestPage } from 'wordpress-query-page/lib/state';

View the file itself to see what else is available.