
Javascript library that creates links from work identifiers.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import workIdLinkJs from '';



Javascript library that creates links from work identifiers.


  • getLink(id, type) - takes an id and an abbreviated type and if the type and id can be matched returns a http url, otherwise returns a null.

  • getTypes() - returns a space delimited list of abbreviated types.

Supported types

arxiv asin bibcode doi isbn jfm jstor lccn mr oclc ol osti pmc pmid rfc ssrn zbl

Using in a browser

Include workIdLink.js and call workIdLinkJs.getLink('10.1038/news070508-7', 'doi').

Using in Node.js

Install npm install work-id-link-js, require the module var workIdLink = require('work-id-link-js'); and call workIdLink.getLink('10.1038/news070508-7', 'doi').


Contributions are welcome. Please make sure the unit test(runTest.js) reflects the changes and completes successfully.