
Create a function that can be used as a wrapper or method decorator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wrapperator from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wrapperator';


JavaScript decorators are cool and powerful, but usually you just want to replace the method with a wrapped version. wrapperator makes it easy to do that—and still use the same wrapper on normal functions.


npm install wrapperator


Create a function that wraps another, like normal:

function sayHi(fn) {
  return function wrapped(...args) {
    return fn.apply(this, ...args);

Then create a wrapperator from it:

import wrapperator from 'wrapperator';
sayHi = wrapperator(sayHi);

Now use it as a wrapper or a method decorator:

class K {
  @sayHi // Used as a method decorator.
  f() { console.log('f!'); }

new K().f(); // Logs "hi" and "f!"

const g = sayHi(() => console.log('g!')); // Used as a wrapper
g(); // Logs "hi" and "g!"

You can also use function expressions to create wrapperators in one step:

const sayHi = wrapperator(function(fn) {
  return function wrapped(...args) {
    return fn.apply(this, ...args);