
A lightweight modal plugin for Vue

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import x5Modal from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/x5-modal';


x5 Modal (Live Demo)

npm bundle size

This is a lightweight modal management plugin for Vue.

:information_source: For updating to v0.4 please read MIGRATION.md for the process for submitting

:warning: This plugin is in development, so please let me know if you find any errors.


# npm
npm install x5-modal


This plugin does require a Vuex store and can be installed like any Vue plugin in your entry point:

const store = new Vuex.Store()

import x5Modal from 'x5-modal'
Vue.use(x5Modal, store)

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  store: store,
  render: (h) => h(App),

This plugin uses a component to house all the magic, so it's recommended to put this near the end of your Vue app (e.g. bottom of your App.vue template)

<div id="app">
Attribute Type Default Description
zIndex Number 200 z-index style for plugin

:warning: This plugin is not transpiled! If you want to include it for use on IE or Edge, you need to add this to your vue.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  transpileDependencies: ['x5-modal'],


Step 1: Pick a component to turn into a modal

Step 2: Register the modal (anywhere before you need to open it)

You can pre-load the component and use that, or use code-splitting to import it only when it's needed:

// Method 1
import ExampleModal from './ExampleModal.vue'

export default {
  created() {
    // Method 1 (pre-load it for when it's needed)
    this.$x5.registerModal('example', ExampleModal)
    // Method 2 (register an import function for when it's needed)
    this.$x5.registerModal('example', () => import('./CodeSplittingModal'))

Step 3: Opening / Closing Modal

From Vue method (from anywhere in your app)

:info: Note that $x5.openModal() returns a promise and is resolved with the customizable okValue or cancelValue props.

// Anywhere
export default {
  methods: {
    open() {
    close() {

From inline function (from anywhere in your app)

<!-- Anywhere -->
  <button @click="$x5.openModal('example')">Open</button>
  <button @click="$x5.closeModal('example')">Close</button>

Modal Component and Instance Options

Options can be set within your component using $emit('setModal',{}), and/or when the modal is opened using the 3rd function parameted.

<!-- First method: ExampleModal.vue -->
  <p>An example.</p>

  export default {
    created() {
      this.$emit('setModal', { title: 'Example Title' })
// Second method: Anywhere
export default {
  methods: {
    open() {
      this.$x5.openModal('example', null, { title: 'Example Modal' })
Option Type Default Description
buttons String 'OK' Buttons to show (ok, okcancel, cancel)
cancelText String Cancel Cancel button label
cancelValue Any false Promise return value on cancel
keepOpen Boolean false Stops the modal closing on OK or Cancel (requires manual closing)
name String -- Required Unique name for this modal
noPadding Boolean -- Sets content padding to zero
okText String OK OK button label
okValue Any true Promise return value on OK
onCancel Function () => {} Function to be called when the cancel button is pressed *
onClose Function () => {} Function to be called when the modal is closed *
onOK Function () => {} Function to be called when the ok button is pressed *
permanent Boolean false Only allow closing the window via provided buttons
title String null Modal header title (leave empty for no header)
valid Boolean true OK (submit button) is enabled
width Number 500 Maximum window width

* If these methods return false it will interrupt the closing process. This is helpful when there are async functions that may have a result that is relevant to the open modal.

Additional Features / Notes

  • If only using a cancel button, the cancelText will default to "Close" rather than "Cancel"
  • Using $x5.openModal returns a promise and is resolved with the customizable okValue or cancelValue props
  • $x5.closeModal() [without a name] will close the active modal
  • $x5.closeModals() will close all open modals without the keepOpen flag
  • If using vue-router, changing the route will close each open modal without the keepOpen flag

Included Dialog Modals

To help with style consistency, alert, confirm, and prompt dialog modals have been included.

They are very simple modals and are not meant to enhance the browser's in-built functions - just make similarly styled modal versions of them.

  • Alert dialog called via $x5.alert('Text', 'Title').
  • Confirm dialog called via $x5.confirm('Text', 'Title') and returns true (Yes) or false (No).
  • Prompt dialog called via $x5.prompt('Text', 'Title') and returns the value entered (OK) or false (Cancel).

Data Prop

Data can be passed to your modal when it is opened using the second parameter in the x5.openModal(name, data, options) method.

Anything set there will be accessible to your modal component via the prop data. This is not restricted to any type and can be anything.

// Anywhere
export default {
  methods: {
    open() {
      this.$x5.openModal('example', 'Example data')
  <p>{{ data }}</p>

  export default {
    props: ['data'],

Edit an open Modal

Similarly to the setModal event, you can also edit the options of an open modal using either $emit('editModal', options) from within the modal component, or from somewhere else using the 3rd parameter of the method $x5.editModal(modalName, data, options).

Note: You can also change the data prop using $x5.editModal(modalName, data, options).

<!-- First method: ExampleModal.vue -->
  <button @click="changeTitle">An example.</button>

  export default {
    methods: {
      changeTitle() {
        this.$emit('editModal', { title: 'Edited Title' })
    created() {
      this.$emit('setModal', { title: 'Example Title' })
// Anywhere
export default {
  methods: {
    loading() {
      this.$x5.editModal('example', { title: 'Edited Title' })

Change Log

Please read CHANGELOG.md for changes from v0.4.0 onwards.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for the process for submitting pull requests.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details