
Some well-known algorithms implemented in JavaScript.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xeroAlgorithms from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xero-algorithms';


JS Xero Algorithms

This is a collection of classic algorithms implemented in JavaScript. There's nothing special or unusual here except perhaps that the author has tried to write the source files very verbosely so they are easy to read for understanding.

The purpose of this is mainly for the author's own practice, but the source files may also be of educational use.

Development and Testing

After you have cloned this repository, you need NPM. While not strictly necessary, we also recommend using Yarn. To install all the necessary node modules execute the command yarn install.

To run the full suite of tests, execute yarn run test.

If you make any changes to the source files, to rebuild the distributable file execute yarn run build.


You can include the stand-alone script file js-algorithms-xerocross.js directly in your HTML file. This exposes a global called xA that contains all of the algorithms supported.

For use as a module, just install using npm install js-algorithms-xerocross.js. The module exposes each algorithm individually and also an object xA that contains all of them.

The Algorithms


bubbleSort(someArray, compareFunction) returns a new sorted array. It does not mutate.


insertionSort(someArray, compareFunction) returns a new sorted array. It does not mutate.


mergesort(someArray, compareFunction) returns a new sorted array. It does not mutate. (The name is not a typo. In the author's mind "mergesort" is one word.)


quicksort(someArray, compareFunction) returns a new sorted array. It does not mutate.


This is a one-man project written by Adam Cross


See the LICENSE.md file for details.