
The base module for any interactive-ready object in a Xethya-derived world.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xethyaEntity from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xethya-entity';



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The base module for any interactive-ready object in a Xethya-derived world.

How to Install

$ npm install xethya-entity

Getting Started


How to Test

Run one, or a combination of the following commands to lint and test your code:

$ npm run lint          # Lint the source code with ESLint
$ npm test              # Run unit tests with Mocha
$ npm run test:watch    # Run unit tests with Mocha, and watch files for changes
$ npm run test:cover    # Run unit tests with code coverage by Istanbul

To launch the documentation site, run:

$ npm install -g easystatic
$ npm start


MIT © 2016 Joel A. Villarreal Bertoldi