XInput wrapper via node-ffi-napi.
Quick Examples
import { rumble } from "xinput-ffi/promises";
//Rumble 1st XInput gamepad
await rumble();
//Now with 100% force
await rumble({force: 100});
//low-frequency rumble motor(left) at 50%
//and high-frequency rumble motor (right) at 25%
await rumble({force: [50,25]});
Direct use of XInput functions
import { promises as XInput } from "xinput-ffi";
const state = await XInput.getState();
/* Output:
dwPacketNumber: 322850,
Gamepad: { wButtons: 0,
bLeftTrigger: 0,
bRightTrigger: 0,
sThumbLX: 128,
sThumbLY: 641,
sThumbRX: -1156,
sThumbRY: -129
//Set 1st XInput gamepad state to 50% left/right;
//Wait 2sec; Reset state to idle
await XInput.setState(50,50);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)).catch(()=>{});
await XInput.setState(0,0);
//Set 1st XInput gamepad state to 50% left/right;
//Wait 500ms and disable all XInput gamepads
await XInput.setState(50,50);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)).catch(()=>{});
await XInput.enable(false);
import { promises as XInput } from "xinput-ffi";
//Check connected status for all controller
console.log(await XInput.listConnected());
// [true,false,false,false] Only 1st gamepad is connected
//Identify connected XInput devices
console.log (await XInput.identify({XInputOnly: true}));
/* Output:
manufacturer: 'Microsoft Corp.',
name: 'Xbox360 Controller',
vid: '045E',
pid: '028E',
xinput: true,
interfaces: [ 'USB', 'HID' ],
guid: [
npm install xinput-ffi
Prerequisite: C/C++ build tools and Python 3.x (node-gyp) in order to build node-ffi-napi.
⚠️ This module is only available as an ECMAScript module (ESM) starting with version 2.0.0.
Previous version(s) are CommonJS (CJS) with an ESM wrapper.
💡 Promises are under the promises
import * as XInput from 'xinput-ffi';
XInput.promises.isConnected() //Promise
XInput.isConnected() //Sync
Named export
1️⃣ XInput fn
(enable: bool): void
enable cf: XInputEnable (1_4,1_3)
Enable/Disable all XInput gamepads.
- Stop any rumble currently playing when set to false.
- setState will throw "ERR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED" when set to false.
(gamepadIndex?: number): obj
GetBatteryInformation cf: XInputGetBatteryInformation (1_4)
Retrieves the battery type and charge status of the specified controller.
gamepadIndex: Index of the user's controller. Can be a value from 0 to 3.
gamepadIndex defaults to 0 (1st XInput gamepad)
If gamepad is not connected throw "ERR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED".
Returns an object like a XINPUT_BATTERY_INFORMATION structure.
💡 When a value is known it will be 'translated' to its string equivalent value otherwise its integer value.
Output example
(gamepadIndex?: number): obj
GetCapabilities cf: XInputGetCapabilities (1_4,1_3,9_1_0)
Retrieves the capabilities and features of the specified controller.
gamepadIndex: Index of the user's controller. Can be a value from 0 to 3.
gamepadIndex defaults to 0 (1st XInput gamepad)
If gamepad is not connected throw "ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED".
Returns an object like a XINPUT_CAPABILITIES structure. But without :
💡 When a value is known it will be 'translated' to its string equivalent value otherwise its integer value.
Output example
Flags: 12
(gamepadIndex?: number): obj
getState cf: XInputGetState (1_4,1_3,9_1_0)
Retrieves the current state of the specified controller.
gamepadIndex: Index of the user's controller. Can be a value from 0 to 3.
gamepadIndex defaults to 0 (1st XInput gamepad)
If gamepad is not connected throw "ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED".
Returns an object like a XINPUT_STATE structure.
Output example
dwPacketNumber: 322850,
Gamepad: { wButtons: 0,
bLeftTrigger: 0,
bRightTrigger: 0,
sThumbLX: 128,
sThumbLY: 641,
sThumbRX: -1156,
sThumbRY: -129
💡 To know which buttons are currently pressed down you need to bitwise AND (&) wButtons with all XINPUT BUTTONS You can use getButtonsDown() for this (see below in helper fn ...)
💡 Thumbsticks: as explained by Microsoft you should implement dead zone correctly This is also done for you in getButtonsDown()
(lowFrequency: number, highFrequency: number, gamepadIndex?: number): void
setState cf: XInputSetState (1_4,9_1_0)
Sends data to a connected controller. This function is used to activate the vibration function of a controller.
gamepadIndex: Index of the user's controller. Can be a value from 0 to 3.
gamepadIndex defaults to 0 (1st XInput gamepad)
If gamepad is not connected throw "ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED".
- You need to keep the event-loop alive otherwise the vibration will terminate with your program.
- You need to reset the state to 0 for both frequency before using setState again.
Both are done for you with rumble() (see below in Helper fn...)
2️⃣ Helper fn
The following are sugar functions based upon previous functions (XInput fn).
(option?: obj): obj
getButtonsDown getState() wrapper to know more easily which buttons are pressed if any.
Also returns the rest of getState() information normalized for convenience such as
ThumbStick position, magnitude, direction (taking the deadzone into account).
Trigger state and force (taking threshold into account).
⚙️ options:
- gamepadIndex:
Index of the user's controller. Can be a value from 0 to 3. defaults to 0 (1st XInput gamepad)
- deadzone:
thumbstick deadzone(s)
Either an integer (both thumbstick with the same value) or an array of 2 integer: [left,right]
defaults to XInput default's values of [7849,8689]
- directionThreshold:
float [0.0,1.0] to handle cardinal direction.
Set it to 0 to only get "UP RIGHT", "UP LEFT", "DOWN LEFT", "DOWN RIGHT".
Otherwise add "RIGHT", "LEFT", "UP", "DOWN" to the previous using threshold to
differentiate the 2 axes by using range of [-threshold,threshold].
defaults to 0.2
- triggerThreshold:
int [0,255] trigger activation threshold.
defaults to XInput value of 30
Returns an object where:
- int packetNumber : dwPacketNumber; This value is increased every time the state of the controller has changed.
- []string buttons : list of currently pressed buttons
- trigger.left/right :
- bool active : is the trigger pressed down ? (below triggerThreshold will not set active to true)
- int force : by how much ? [0,255]
- thumb.left/right :
- float x: normalized (deadzone) x axis [0.0,1.0]. 0 is centered. Negative values is left. Positive values is right.
- float y: normalized (deadzone) y axis [0.0,1.0]. 0 is centered. Negative values is down. Positive values is up.
- float magnitude: normalized (deadzone) magnitude [0.0,1.0] (by how far is the thumbstick from the center ? 1 is fully pushed).
- []string direction: Human readable direction of the thumbstick. eg: ["UP", "RIGHT"]. See directionThreshold above for details.
📖 Electron example:
let state = { previous : 0, current : 0 };
function inputLoop(){
state.current = controller.packetNumber;
if (state.current > state.previous){ //State update
//Current buttons down
//Current thumbstick direction
//Current trigger status
if (
console.log(`trigger L (${controller.trigger.left.force})`);
if (
console.log(`trigger R (${controller.trigger.right.force})`);
state.previous = state.current;
NB: To handle button up (press down then release)
ignoring hold button until they are released
You should store the previous buttons state and check it against the current.
let state = {
previous : {
packetNumber: 0,
buttons: []
}, current : {}
function inputLoop(){
state.current = controller;
if (state.current.packetNumber > state.previous.packetNumber){ //State update
const diff = state.previous.buttons.filter(btn => !state.current.buttons.includes(btn))
(option?: obj): void
rumble This function is used to activate the vibration function of a controller.
⚙️ options:
- force : Rumble force to apply to the motors. Either an integer (both motor with the same value) or an array of 2 integer: [left,right] defaults to [50,25]
- duration: Rumble duration in ms. Max: 2500 ms. defaults to max
- forceEnableGamepad: Use enable() to force the activation of XInput gamepad before rumble. defaults to false
- forceStateWhileRumble: Bruteforce -ly (spam) set state() for the duration of the vibration. Use this when a 3rd party reset your state or whatever. Usage of this option is not recommended and default to false. Use only when needed.
- gamepadIndex: Index of the user's controller. Can be a value from 0 to 3. defaults to 0 (1st XInput gamepad)
(gamepadIndex?: number): bool
isConnected whether the specified controller is connected or not.
Returns true/false
(): bool[]
listConnected Returns an array of connected status for all controller.
eg: [true,false,false,false] //Only 1st gamepad is connected
3️⃣ Identify device (VID,PID,GUID,Name, ...)
⚠️ The following are only available as Promise.
Since XINPUT doesn't provide VID/PID by design, query WMI Win32_PNPEntity via PowerShell instead.
It won't tell you which is connected to which XInput slot tho.
(option?: obj): obj[]
identify List all known HID and USB connected devices by matching with entries in ./lib/data/HardwareID.js
⚙️ options:
- XInputOnly: Return only XInput gamepad. defaults to true
Return an array of obj where
- string manufacturer : vendor name
- string name : device name
- string vid : vendor id (unique)
- string pid : product id (unique)
- string[] interfaces : PNPentity interface(s) found; Available: HID and USB
- string[] guid: classguid(s) found
- bool xinput: If it's a XInput device or not
💡 obj are unique by their vid/pid
Output example with a DS4(wireless) and ds4windows(DirectInput -> XInput wrapper):
manufacturer: 'Sony Corp.',
name: 'DualShock 4',
vid: '054C',
pid: '09CC',
xinput: false,
interfaces: [ 'USB', 'HID' ],
guid: [
manufacturer: 'Sony Corp.',
name: 'DualShock 4 USB Wireless Adaptor',
vid: '054C',
pid: '0BA0',
xinput: false,
interfaces: [ 'USB', 'HID' ],
guid: [
manufacturer: 'Microsoft Corp.',
name: 'Xbox360 Controller',
vid: '045E',
pid: '028E',
xinput: true,
interfaces: [ 'USB', 'HID' ],
guid: [
- Windows 8: xinput1_4
- Windows 7 (DirectX SDK): xinput1_3
- Windows Vista (Legacy): xinput9_1_0
Identify device requires PowerShell.