
Add sugar & enhanced APIs inspired by NestJS to Loopback v4

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xloop from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xloop';



Add sugar & enhanced APIs inspired by NestJS to Loopback v4


  • Nodejs >= 10
  • Loopback 4
npm install xloop

API Reference

HTTP Decorators

HTTP decorators are used to annotate controller methods.


Decorate a param of a controller method to get the request object.

import { http } from 'xloop/decorators';

export class SomeController {
  sayHello(@http.request() req: Request) {}


Decorate a param of a controller method to get the response object.

import { http } from 'xloop/decorators';

export class SomeController {
  sayHello(@http.response() res: Response) {}

@http.header(string, string)

Decorate a controller method to specify a custom response header.

import { http } from 'xloop/decorators';

export class SomeController {
  @http.header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')
  sayHello() {}

You can apply multiple header decorators to the method for more custom headers:

import { http } from 'xloop/decorators';

export class SomeController {
  @http.header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')
  @http.header('X-Hello', 'Hello World')
  sayHello() {}


Decorate a controller method to change the status code of the response statically.

import { http } from 'xloop/decorators';

export class SomeController {
  sayHello() {}


Decorate a param of a controller method to get the context object.

import { http } from 'xloop/decorators';

export class SomeController {
  sayHello(@http.context() ctx: Context) {}

Custom Error Codes

Loopback v4 defines a few error codes and we can set up our own codes:

class EntityDuplicatedError extends Error {

class Application extends RestApplication {
  constructor(...) {
        [ENTITY_DUPLICATED]: 422,