
SheetJS Spreadsheet Community Edition plus Basic Cell Styles

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xlsxJsStyle from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xlsx-js-style';



ℹī¸ About

SheetJS with Style! Create Excel spreadsheets with basic styling options.

This project is a fork of SheetJS/sheetjs combined with code from sheetjs-style (by ShanaMaid) and sheetjs-style-v2 (by Raul Gonzalez).

All projects are under the Apache 2.0 License

🔌 Installation

Install npm:

npm install xlsx-js-style --save

Install browser:

<script lang="javascript" src="dist/xlsx.bundle.js"></script>

🗒 Core API

Please refer to the SheetJS documentation for core API reference.

🗒 Style API

Cell Style Example

ws["A1"].s = {
    font: {
        name: "Calibri",
        sz: 24,
        bold: true,
        color: { rgb: "FFFFAA00" },

Cell Style Properties

Cell styles are specified by a style object that roughly parallels the OpenXML structure. The style object has five top-level attributes: fill, font, numFmt, alignment, and border.

Style Attribute Sub Attributes Values
fill patternType "solid" or "none"
font name "Calibri" // default
sz "11" // font size in points
bold true or false
underline true or false
italic true or false
strike true or false
outline true or false
shadow true or false
vertAlign true or false
numFmt "0" // integer index to built in formats, see StyleBuilder.SSF property
"0.00%" // string matching a built-in format, see StyleBuilder.SSF
"0.0%" // string specifying a custom format
"0.00%;\\(0.00%\\);\\-;@" // string specifying a custom format, escaping special characters
"m/dd/yy" // string a date format using Excel's format notation
alignment vertical "bottom" or "center" or "top"
horizontal "left" or "center" or "right"
wrapText true or false
readingOrder 2 // for right-to-left
textRotation Number from 0 to 180 or 255 (default is 0)
90 is rotated up 90 degrees
45 is rotated up 45 degrees
135 is rotated down 45 degrees
180 is rotated down 180 degrees
255 is special, aligned vertically
border top { style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_SPEC }
bottom { style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_SPEC }
left { style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_SPEC }
right { style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_SPEC }
diagonal { style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_SPEC }
diagonalUp true or false
diagonalDown true or false

COLOR_SPEC: Colors for fill, font, and border are specified as objects, either:

  • { auto: 1} specifying automatic values
  • { rgb: "FFFFAA00" } specifying a hex ARGB value
  • { theme: "1", tint: "-0.25"} specifying an integer index to a theme color and a tint value (default 0)
  • { indexed: 64} default value for fill.bgColor

BORDER_STYLE: Border style is a string value which may take on one of the following values:

  • thin
  • medium
  • thick
  • dotted
  • hair
  • dashed
  • mediumDashed
  • dashDot
  • mediumDashDot
  • dashDotDot
  • mediumDashDotDot
  • slantDashDot

Borders for merged areas are specified for each cell within the merged area. So to apply a box border to a merged area of 3x3 cells, border styles would need to be specified for eight different cells:

  • left borders for the three cells on the left,
  • right borders for the cells on the right
  • top borders for the cells on the top
  • bottom borders for the cells on the left

🙏 Thanks

🔖 License

Please consult the attached LICENSE file for details. All rights not explicitly granted by the Apache 2.0 License are reserved by the Original Author.