
Converts XML AST structures (like the ones generated by xml-reader) to XML strings

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xmlPrinter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xml-printer';


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Converts XML AST structures (like the ones generated by xml-reader) to XML strings.

It also provides utility functions to escape XML text and attributes.

AST structure

 * typedef {Object} XmlNode
 * @property {string} name - element name (empty for text nodes)
 * @property {string} type - node type ('element' or 'text')
 * @property {string} value - value of a text node
 * @property {XmlNode} parent - reference to parent node
 * @property {Object} attributes -  attributes {name: value, ...}
 * @property {XmlNode[]} children - array of children nodes


npm install --save xml-printer


import xmlPrint from 'xml-printer';

const ast = {
    name: 'greeting',
    type: 'element',
    value: '',
    attributes: {time: '2016-01-02'},
    children: [
            name: '',
            type: 'text',
            value: 'Hello!',
            attributes: {},
            children: [],

// <greeting time="2016-01-02">Hello!</greeting>

You can easily generate ASTs from text using xml-reader:

import XmlReader from 'xml-reader';

const ast = XmlReader.parseSync('<greeting time="2016-01-02">Hello!</greeting>');
// returns the AST from the previous example


Pass an options object to the printer function to customize result

import xmlPrint from 'xml-printer';

const ast = { /* see previous example */ };

console.log(xmlPrint(ast, {quote: "'"}));
// <greeting time='2016-01-02'>Hello!</greeting>

Available options

  • escapeAttributes: boolean (default: true) Escapes attributes.
  • escapeText: boolean (default: true) Escapes text.
  • selfClose: boolean (default: true) Self-close empty elements.
  • quote: string (default: ") Quote character, usually " or '.


This module exports some utility functions which can be useful if you want to escape attributes or text by your own:

escapeXmlText(text: string) => string

import {escapeXmlText} from 'xml-printer';

console.log(escapeXmlText('escape <this>'));
// <![CDATA[escape <this>]]>

escapeXmlAttribute(text: string) => string

import {escapeXmlAttribute} from 'xml-printer';

console.log(escapeXmlAttribute('escape <this>'));
// escape &quot;this&quot;
