
This package is a part of the XOD project.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xodDeploy from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xod-deploy';



This package is a part of the XOD project.

The package provides cloud compilation feature.


This package uses web socket server to compile code and http server to get upload config for boards. It uses a default URLs, that coded in the constants, but for better development experience it could be changed by environment variables.

  • XOD_CLOUD_UPLOAD_CONFIG_URL — URL, that returns upload config for a board. Board identifier is appended at the end of the url, so https://compile.xod.io/upload/ will be used like https://compile.xod.io/upload/uno

  • XOD_CLOUD_COMPILE_URL — URL for web socket server. E.G. wss://compile.xod.io/compile