
Hyperdimensional lockbox, OFFS variant

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xorchive from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xorchive';


pure | mod code style | standard


Hyperdimensional lockbox

A variant implementation of OFFS technique.

No way to tell how many entries an archive contains. Each pad in the archive might or might not be part of multiple files.

  • Sits ontop of random-access-storage (works in browser + node)
  • XOR-pad encrypts contents (default 7 pads)
  • Unknown total amount of files
  • Unique key for each file
  • Uses blake3 to hash pads into keys


yarn add xorchive


const raf = require('random-access-file')
const Xorchive = require('xorchive')

const xfs = new Xorchive(raf('myStuff/'), nPads = 7)

let k1 = await xfs.store(readFileSync('~/secret_evidence.md'))
const k2 = await xfs.store(readFileSync('~/README.md'))
// Each key is (32 * nPads) bytes in size

const doc = await xfs.recover(k2)

let k1 = null // secret_evidence.md is now lost forever,
// and there's no proof of it ever having been stored.


new Xorchive(storage, nPads = 7, padSize = 128kB, hashSize = 32)

Initialized a new archive.

  • nPads number of random pads to use for chunk encryption.
  • padSize the size of a pad. defaults to 128 << 10
  • hashSize blake3 hashSize


Encrypts your data as data.length / padSize chunks and returns a Promise for a key-buffer containing all the hashes of the pads used during encryption.

  • data accepts Buffer, UInt8Array and Array


Attempts to find all the pads referenced in the key and reconstruct the original data.

returns a Promsie that resolves to your original data if the key is valid.


 _____                      _   _           _
|  __ \   Help Wanted!     | | | |         | |
| |  | | ___  ___ ___ _ __ | |_| |     __ _| |__  ___   ___  ___
| |  | |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ '_ \| __| |    / _` | '_ \/ __| / __|/ _ \
| |__| |  __/ (_|  __/ | | | |_| |___| (_| | |_) \__ \_\__ \  __/
|_____/ \___|\___\___|_| |_|\__|______\__,_|_.__/|___(_)___/\___|

If you're reading this it means that the docs are missing or in a bad state.

Writing and maintaining friendly and useful documentation takes
effort and time. In order to do faster releases
I will from now on provide documentation relational to project activity.

 |                                                 |
 |  - Open an issue if you have ANY questions! :)  |
 |  - Star this repo if you found it interesting   |
 |  - Fork off & help document <3                  |

I publish all of my work as Libre software and will continue to do so,
drop me a penny at Patreon to help fund experiments like these.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/decentlabs
Discord: https://discord.gg/K5XjmZx
Telegram: https://t.me/decentlabs_se



  • added API docs
  • "fixed" data-length returned by Xorchive#recover() in most cases


  • added pad rotatation by oridnal to make the order of pads significant.
  • fixed chunked store/recover


  • first release


By making a pull request, you agree to release your modifications under the license stated in the next section.

Only changesets by human contributors will be accepted.


GNU AGPLv3 © Tony Ivanov