
It helps to know why you got an error.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import yerror from '';



It helps to know why you got an error.

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First, require me where you could throw errors:

import YError from 'yerror';

Then, emit errors with a bonus: parameters!

function doSomething(pay, action) {
  if(parseInt(pay, 10) !== pay) {
    throw new YError('E_BAD_PAY', pay, action);

doSomething('nuts', 'code');

// YError: E_BAD_PAY (nuts, code)
//   at doSomething (/home/nfroidure/nfroidure/yerror/test.js:5:11)
//   at Object.<anonymous> (/home/nfroidure/nfroidure/yerror/test.js:9:1)
//   (...)

You don't have to use constant like error messages, we use this convention mainly for i18n reasons.

Also, you could want to wrap errors and keep a valuable stack trace:

function doSomethingAsync(pay, action) {
  return  new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    try {
      doSomething(pay, action);
    } catch(err) {

doSomethingAsync('nuts', 'code')
  .catch(function(err) {

// YError: E_BAD_PAY (nuts, code)
//    at doSomething (/home/nfroidure/nfroidure/yerror/test.js:5:11)
//    (...)
// YError: E_BAD_TRANSACTION (pay)
//    at Function.YError.wrap (/home/nfroidure/nfroidure/yerror/src/index.js:41:12)
//    at /home/nfroidure/nfroidure/yerror/test.js:16:21
//    at doSomethingAsync (/home/nfroidure/nfroidure/yerror/test.js:11:11)
//    (...)


YError ⇐ Error

An YError class able to contain some params and print better stack traces

Kind: global class
Extends: Error

new YError([errorCode], [...params])

Creates a new YError with an error code and some params as debug values.

Param Type Default Description
[errorCode] string "'E_UNEXPECTED'" The error code corresponding to the actual error
[...params] any Some additional debugging values

YError.wrap(err, [errorCode], [...params]) ⇒ YError

Wraps any error and output a YError with an error code and some params as debug values.

Kind: static method of YError
Returns: YError - The wrapped error

Param Type Default Description
err Error The error to wrap
[errorCode] string "'E_UNEXPECTED'" The error code corresponding to the actual error
[...params] any Some additional debugging values

YError.cast(err, [errorCode], [...params]) ⇒ YError

Return a YError as is or wraps any other error and output a YError with a code and some params as debug values.

Kind: static method of YError
Returns: YError - The wrapped error

Param Type Default Description
err Error The error to cast
[errorCode] string "'E_UNEXPECTED'" The error code corresponding to the actual error
[...params] any Some additional debugging values

YError.bump(err, [errorCode], [...params]) ⇒ YError

Same than YError.wrap() but preserves the code and the debug values of the error if it is already an instance of the YError constructor.

Kind: static method of YError
Returns: YError - The wrapped error

Param Type Default Description
err Error The error to bump
[errorCode] string "'E_UNEXPECTED'" The error code corresponding to the actual error
[...params] any Some additional debugging values

